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Faelyns POV

I let out a small yawn, my phone buzzing on my nightside table. Reaching out a lazy hand and fumble around the small table, knocking a few things over before grabbing it and answering it without checking the ID.

"Faelyn open the door I'm downstairs" Jacks voice cut into my ear.

I let out a groan, hanging up before forcefully dragging myself out of bed, lazily thumping down the stairs with a long yawn.

Walking through the kitchen and in front of the door I unlocked it, stepping aside before the boy hurriedly rushed in, slamming it behind him and locking it.

"What the-" "Hey, Hey, questions later, right now you need to wake up properly" he cut me off, turning me around to gently pull me upstairs and to the bathroom.

"Okay, now, wash your face-you know, do your morning routine" he said, I only squinted at him. "Are you stupid? It's like seven in the morning, I'm going back to bed" I snapped tiredly, pushing past him before he gently grabbed me again, reeling me back.

"Faelyn it's important, please" he pleaded, so i obeyed. I washed my face, drying it with a towel before blinking, looking him up and down.

He looked well put together I'll admit.

"Mmmm you look cute golden boy, now move" I admitted, patting his shoulder before he stepped aside, making my way into my room.

He followed behind, I only stopped in the doorway, the boy clumsily bumping into me. "I'm gonna change you crackhead, get out" I snapped, "oh right, sorry" he apologized, allowing me to get dressed.

I didn't know where we were going or what we were doing but he had a whole eboy theme going on sooooooo might as well match, right?

I looked at my outfit in the mirror, I gotta be honest, I didn't even know I owned half of these clothes but it's like a diamond in the ruff.

I smiled at my reflection, admiring the skinny ripped jeans, the chains hanging off of a few belt loops with the vintage black band tee, topped off with my silver vans and black beanie.

I look pretty badass if I do say so myself.

I opened the door, Jack turning around from looking at a few pictures on the wall, a smile creeping onto his face.

"You look.." I cringed, the boy chuckling at my reaction, "adorable" he finished, his hand wrapping around my waist to reel me into a shower of kisses.

I only let out a small tired groan, holding back a smile of amusement, "stop you nuthead, now why do you need me dressed and ready this early" I asked, the boy stepping back, admiring my outfit once more.

"It's a surprise" he chuckled. "Where's Bullet?" He added, noticing the quietness of the house. "Oh my mom took him with her, she went on a morning jog, left me a text" I told him.

"I think she loves that dog more than me" I added, Jack shaking his head, "how? You're perfect" he insisted sweetly, earning a swat to the arm.

"Shut it and carry me you peasant" I demanded before jumping onto his back, the boy staggering before holding me up and carrying me down the stairs.

He continued on, unlocking the door, "wait-" too late, I smacked my forehead off of the top of the door-luckily my beanie was over it or it would've definitely left a bruise.

"Oh God I'm so sorry Fae" he apologized, letting me slide down his back, "Jack, shut your mouth and let's go before I turn around and go back inside" I sighed out impatiently, rubbing my head.

Skater boy | Jack Avery Where stories live. Discover now