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Jacks Pov

Two months.

Holy shit.. two whole months without me conversing with my sunshine..

I can't believe I'm still alive.

I looked up at the clock, my leg bouncing up and down as I waited for the fourth period bell to ring.

The teacher sending me a look as I stopped my leg, finally the bell sounding as the students arose and filed out.

I got up calmly, making my way through the door and throwing a 'have a nice day' over my shoulder before I quickly made my way to my locker.

I unlocked it with ease, looking inside and realizing I had no other items or pictures to bring her.


I rolled my eyes at myself, shutting my locker rather loudly before locking it and slinging my back over my shoulder.

I really wanted to see Faelyn today, I hadn't been there in a bit and I wanted to check on her..

I made my way to my car, entering and shutting the door. Turning up the radio and hearing 'Party Favour' by Billie Eilish play as I smiled.

Another fond memory fresh in mind.


"Jack, you know I don't wanna go out.. not after what Sam did" Faelyn shook her head with a sniffle, a boy she'd been dating For a month now had just got caught cheating on her.

Sam, the boy, was at a house party for Halloween, a video had been taken of him and another girl in a heated make out, when the same girl sent it to Faelyn.

"Cmon Fae, I'm sure we can forget about that idiot" Jack offered, angry that they even had a relationship to start with but he covered it up, rather well.. sending her a hopeful smile as she looked up at him flatly. "I mean.. I offered to beat him up but you-" "Okay okay" she cut him off, dramatically standing up and glaring at him.

"No hands, no harsh words, and no yelling if you see him" She hissed quietly, Jack nodding in agreement as they went outside and got into Jacks car.

After a few minutes of driving in silence, Faelyn cranked up the radio, bopping her head to Billie Eilish's 'Party Favour'

"We really need to talk.. you know what, maybe just forget it" she sung "cause' by the time you get this.. your number might be-blocked" she sung nicely, ending the verse in a blunt tone as Jack chuckled at her.

"Cmon, I'm sorry about that Sam guy, but don't worry, I wasn't gonna beat him up" Jack admitted, although he knew without a doubt if Sam even came near her, he'd throw a punch.

"Yeah, cause' you're a pussy!" She joked, lightening the mood as his eyes widened at her language, "woah woah woah, watch the tone there trucker" he said, glancing over.

The girl laughed, "don't you wanna know where we're going?" He asked, sending her a lopsided smile, "nah, I don't need to. I trust you" the girl said, smiling at him as he felt his cheeks heat up.

"Thank you Fae, I'm glad you do" he replied, eyes on the road now changing the destination to one of her favourite places, which was 'Gino's' her favourite pizzeria.

End of flashback.

I entered the elevator, pressing the button as I stood alone, my eyes glued on the doors that shut.

For some reason I felt like today was going to be different? But not.. in a bad way, no, more of in a happy way?

i shrugged the thought off, finding the doors to be opening and pulling me out of my own thoughts as i made my way down a newer hallway, Faelyns room had moved. She hadn't been in critical condition so she was now on the third floor in silent care.

I entered the quiet room, looking at Michelle and smiling warmly. "Just on time! Now, I should get going, I've got a meeting, mind if you stay with her?" She offered to him, her meeting must've been important if she was leaving her daughters bedside.

"Of course" I smiled, "sorry the boys couldn't make it, they're all studying for exams, I brought my notes though, I can study here" I explained.

"Oh alrighty, thanks, did you want me to bring you any food? I might stop by chipotle afterwards" she offered. "Well, if you do, could you bring me a bag of nacho chips? I can pay you ba-" "oh of course, and no need" she offered, smiling at me.

"I'll be back by seven" she told me, it was only two thirty right now. It must've been in another city.

"Okay, and I will be sure to call you if anything happens" I promised, smiling back as she nodded, and waved, leaving and shutting the door behind her.

I looked down at Faelyn, looking at all the things I'd brought her, I'd also brought her tons of stuffed animals, mainly dogs and dinosaurs because she loves them, but also her favourite spicy cheetos in case she wakes up, that is, if she does..

I let out a sigh, pulling up a chair to her bedside, her mother was thrilled to hear that Faelyn was able to hear us, but we just needed her to wake up.

I looked down at her, locking my hand with hers, softly grazing her skin with my thumbs, I looked at her peaceful face, smiling a small smile at it in sadness.

"Hey Faelyn, I'm not pressuring you to wake up or anything.. but I just- I'm not sure if I can bear this" I admitted softly, "I-and those-t-two idiots that tried something on you that one day.. yeah uh, they roughed me up a bit last week." I told her, wincing at the fight that had taken place, but I hadn't fought back.. I knew Faelyn wouldn't want me to..

"So that's why I couldn't really visit.. I'm so sorry.." I explained, feeling a stronger grip on my hand as she squeezed it, my eyes immediately widening.

"Hey, don't use up your energy.. I'll-I'll let you know what happened" I started, placing my other hand over our joined hands.

"I Uh, I was going to go and grab something from my locker.. when Uh, the one, the taller one-I still don't know his name, he Uhm, he pushed me against the lockers pretty hard" I explained.

"He punched me in the stomach a few times.. his friend though.." I winced, "he Uhm.. he Uh punched me in the nose.. ended up injuring it pretty badly-but but it's okay, it's all good now" I promised, cutting myself off from going into detail.

"I Uh, I didn't fight back because I know you wouldn't want that.. but it hurt Faelyn, God did it fucking hurt, I cried so much that night.. but not only for my nose.. I just-I can't believe I've been an idiot.. I-I can't believe that last thing you've ever seen from me was that stupid text, that stupid stupid text that I said I wasn't gonna be there.. for you" I murmured, feeling her squeeze my hand again before I looked up at her face.

A tear had wiggled its way through her thick barrier of eyelashes,

My heart was now beating out of my chest as I looked at her in concern,

Then Brown met with the beautiful green..

Her eyes had opened.


DUDES! She's hecking BACK! I'm-sigh. Should I just end the book here? I dunno man.. exams got me feeling all types a' messed up. Thank you so much for reading and perhaps you'd check out my other novels?

We are also almost at 3k reads, thank you all so so much for reading, it means so much!

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