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Jacks pov

I shut the car door, locking it as I jogged across the parking lot and up to the doors. Pulling one open as I stepped inside. I looked around, coming up to the front desk.

"Hi, Uhm, room 119?" "Faelyn Carters?" I only nodded as he pointed to the right, I threw a quick 'thanks' over my shoulder while making my way to the hallway. '110-190 second floor' the sign read, I only jogged faster, pushing through a heavy metal door and sprinting up the stairs.

The amount of urgency I had to get there, man, but what would I do when I got there? Surely the all hated me, and Faelyn, what if she wasn't even awake?

I let out a worried sigh, scanning the signs on the doors as I jogged down the hall before reaching the end where a secluded room sat. 'Room 119, urgent care.'

My heart dropped when I walked in, the boys huddled around her bed as Michelle sat with her head in her hands, many tissues beside her. Then I saw Faelyn, my sunshine.

She looked lifeless, even through her beautiful features she looked hopeless, pained, broken... the left side of her head had a large patch taped onto it, the left side of her face all bruised and scratched up, her left arm in a cast along with her right wrist. I could see a bump in the cloth, she had wrap around her ribs.. where most of her scars were from her father..(he knows this because he's seen her in a bathing suit.. ya lil nasties)

Then Michelle lifted her head, her bloodshot red eyes meeting mine as she got up, "you came" she let out quietly, enveloping me in a weak embrace and crying into my shoulder. "O-of course I would" I let out quietly, fighting back my own tears.

"I thought you guys were in a bad place?" She mumbled, "n-no, I just-I've been acting stupid lately, but I wouldn't miss out on coming to see my sunshine" I admitted giving Michelle a squeeze as the boys looked up.

They all sent me a small smile and a few curt nods and I sent one back, I didn't want Faelyn to think I hated her-the truth is far from that.

"Is-Is she in a coma?" I whispered sadly, hoping she wasn't. Her mother's eyes darkened-becoming even more lifeless as she averted her gaze onto the floor, the rhythm of the heart monitor sounding throughout the room.

She let out an absent nod.


My sunshine was in a coma?

"Is there an-ny permanent damage?" I asked, dreading the answer, "th-they don't know yet.. it will depend on her going for a test walk.. if she wakes up" she mumbled.

The weight came back to my shoulders, was this because of me? Of course it was, then I saw it-my yellow skateboard on the floor beside her bed, a bit of blood on it as my heart fell.

It was because of me.

"I'm so sorry, about all of this" I let out, letting out a few tears as well as she shook her head. "It wasn't your fault" and with that I sighed.

She must've noticed my change in mood, "me and the boys are actually headed to go grab dinner, perhaps you could stay to look after her for a few hours?" She offered sending me a weak smile as I vigorously nodded.

"Yeah, yes of course" I offered a kind smile back as she nodded, grabbing her purse. "Did you want anything for dinner?" "N-no thank you, be safe" I smiled as they walked out, shuttling the door behind them before I looked back over at Faelyn, hooked up to IVs and tubes.(damn, she's hooked. Sorry. I'll go home)

I quietly pulled up a chair next to her bedside, gently grabbing her right hand which contained a clip on her index finger. My thumb ran over her knuckles before I raised it to my lips to linger a small soft kiss.

How could I possibly let this happen?

"Hey sunshine" I started, my eyes glued to her pale hand, "I know you're just 'sleeping',a-and I have hope, after all, you're a tough cookie" I chuckled, brightening the mood for myself.

"Listen, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry I left.. a-and I never texted you back, I just-I made a mistake, and I miss you so so much" I admitted, "I'm sorry this happened to you-and I promise, if you decide to continue to skate after this-I'll but you a new helmet" I added, with a quiet chuckle as I gave her hand another kiss.

I began tracing shapes on the back of her hand, "Fae-I'm so so sorry, something inside me is telling me this is my fault, and I agree, I just-I can't go on without you" I let out weakly.

"I know you're tough tho, you throw a nasty punch-especially when I threw you into the pool-damn were you mad" I chuckled, remembering the event.


"Jack, What the hell are you doing?" Faelyn asked as Jack neared her, the girl on the tanning bed now sitting up.

"Jack, you're all wet, if you touch me I won't hesitate to tell my mother" the girl sassed, jokingly crossing her arms like a child as she raised her chin.

"Oh but she already agreed" and with that the boy took her in his arms, she thrashed around before quickly giving up in his strong hold as he sent her a charming smile.

His brown eyes met her green and for a second time stopped, it was just the two of them-none of the boys-not her mom-nobody was around.

The moment was only lived shortly tho because once he sent her a small wink he mumbled three words,

"Hold your breath"

Then he launched the two into the pool, carrying her up as they broke the surface as the girl punched his arm in anger. "You twat! I was tanning, go suck a bag of-" "language" he teased, setting her down in the water and splashing her before exiting the pool.

Man was that day fun..

I'd apparently been daydreaming for a few hours because Michelle had walked in with the boys.

Michelle politely greeted me before my phone buzzed,

You need to come home to babysit the girls, I've got work

Jack frowned, typing back an 'ok' before standing up and stretching. "Hey Michelle, I've gotta go home to babysit, but I'll be back-" I thought, right, I have to help my mom around the house tomorrow because I'm having family over. "I'll be back after tomorrow, most likely around lunch" I promised, sending her a kind smile.

"Alright Jack, it was n-nice to see you" she smiled back, the boys all saying a small goodbye as I walked back towards Faelyn, "I'll be back, I promise" and with that I kissed her pale forehead, my thumb tracing over her shoulder before I pivoted, exiting the room.

"Just hang in there sunshine"


THIS HAS BEEN EDITED. My dudes. Ik, I'm doing y'all dirty, but it only gets sadder from here :( I'm still deciding if she dies or not, I dunno yet tho. Yeet . Anyway. Thanks for reading and have a blessed day my lovelies. Thanks for 1.9k reads!!! 💛💛🤧🤧

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Loaf you all💛


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