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Faelyns Pov

It's been a few months since Jack was let out, and ever since, we've been on summer break. He hasn't associated much with the gang. Sure, he went to their important meetings, and helped out Jensen with a few things, but apart from that, Jensen had agreed that Jack didn't have to participate much because he was still recovering.

After he recovered..well that would be a different story for another time.

I was happy to have Jack home again, and all to myself, we'd spent our time together at each other's hip. We went out places, he took me on dates..and we had..our own personal time.

These past few months have made me so grateful for him.

If he'd died that night...who knows where I'd be now.

The boys from school had come over quite a bit, too. We often went out to my shack out in my backyard, where we gathered a few instruments from the second hand store. I often watched the boys play-and they'd been writing songs. Their talent..it amazes me.

They've got a song in the makes, called 'Hooked'(yES, I'm aware I'm skipping the first era, but, they're older in this, so it matches up.). Do I know what it's about? No. Do I care? Not really. But, nonetheless, I support my stupid boyfriend and our stupid friends.

Speaking of, they're over right now-

"FAELYN" Zach screamed from downstairs, and immediately, I jumped to my feet. Rolling my eyes, I called Bullet along, and the two of us headed downstairs to see what was up with all of the commotion.

"Faelyn HELP ME!" The rosy cheeked boy exclaimed, frustration and annoyance apparent in his voice. When I turned the corner after walking downstairs, I saw the sight, and immediately, clenched my stomach while I began to laugh.

"What-WhAT the fuck" I cackled. And when I say cackle-I mean full out-nearly pissing my pants-type of cackle.

There Zack was, duct taped to the wall of my living room where an old painting used to be. "The nail on the wall is digging into my shoulder" the boy whined.

Jack came out of the kitchen, nicking and picking at the chips in the bowl that he held clutch, he nearly choked on one with laughter.

"Which shoulder" Corbyn asked, and when Zach told him it was his left shoulder, the blonde grabbed a hand towel-a wet one from my bathroom-and wedged it between Zach's shoulder and the wall.

"IT'S FUCKING COLD" he screeched, while Jonah and Daniel played on the PS4, they glanced over and let out a few laughs.

I was still recovering from my laughing fit, the muscles in my face were aching from smiling so much, and my stomach felt exhausted from it's clutch. "How-How did you even do that" I finally breathed.

I wiped the tears from my eyes, and Jack came over, offering a few potato chips. I gladly took a few, crunching on them as Corbyn turned to me. "He told me to!" He said, throwing his hands up in defence after pointing to Zach accusingly.

"He saw it on—I think David Dobrik's(pls don't correct me on spelling, I'm lazy) video—and he said he wanted to try it, so—YOU'RE WELCOME" Corbyn spoke, however, he turned to say 'you're welcome' to Zach, who squirmed behind the grey shiny duct tape.

"Take me out! TAKE ME OUT! I AM SUFFOCATING! I AM PHOTOSYNTHESIZING" The brown haired boy cried out, and I absolutely LOST IT.

Falling to the floor-Jack too fell since he was leaning on me, and with the both of us laughing like hyenas, everyone else began to laugh too. "Shut the fuck up! Shut up! ICANT laugh! IT HURTS" Zach half laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2020 ⏰

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