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Faelyns POV

When I say we've been sitting around doing nothing for the last hour, I mean we've been sitting around doing nothing but mess around with my guitar, watch a movie and tell each other weird childhood stories.

Right now we were walking to his house to grab his skateboards so he could show me a few things which I was reconsidering turning back and heading home..

"So Fae, are you ready for me to kick ur butt?" He asked while walking at a steady pace next to me.

"Nah, you'll be the one eating dirt when you fall" I shot back while he hip bumped me afterward. "I'm kidding, but you have skated before, right?" He asked emphasizing the 'have' while sending me a sideways glance.

"Yea, of course" I replied. Only now did I really think about it, I might be the one eating dirt because the last time I skated the trauma happened.

I'm talking about the long scar that ran from the top of my head to the middle of my neck, running down the side of my face, but my hair covered it most of the time. Or the scar that ran on my leg.. or the small one that cut through my eyebrow and onto the skin above my eye. The leg scar is noticeable, the eyebrow one aswell, but the one on my head can't be noticed unless my hair is tied up or pushed back sense it runs against my temple.

I don't know if he has seen my scar yet but if he has he hasn't asked me about it which I'm thankful for.

"Hey Fae?" I hummed in response "ok, you just zoned out for a second." He replied as we continued our walk.

We finally arrived at his house and my eyebrows rose. "So this is you? I always see your dog running around because its gotten loose, me and my mum caught it a while back but I was out when your mum came to get your dog" I rambled trying to distract him from grabbing his skateboard.

"Oh that was you?" I nodded in response and he smiled. "Okay, well I'll be back lemme just go grab the boards and helmets." He announced, sprinting into his garage.

He returned a few minutes later, occasionally stopping to pick up a helmet that he'd drop.

"Okay, here, you have my good helmet, I'll wear the cracked one, which penny board do you wanna use?" He asked referring to the white and black checkered one or the yellow one.

I snatched the yellow one, keeping up the act, after grabbing the helmet and he chuckled. "What?" I asked "Well, that's my favourite but suit yourself, you better not get it lost" he teased setting the checkered one on the floor.

I didn't step onto my penny board, nor did I put on my helmet. My hands shook ever so slightly as I remembered my recent experience with skateboarding.

"Hey what's wrong?" He asked standing on his while his helmet lied on the ground.

My eyes widened as I stood on my tiptoes to place my helmet atop his curls. I buckled it under his chin, noticing he was staring into my eyes the entire time. My nerves calming while we made eye contact.

"You forgot your helmet" I said while stepping away from him as he stayed in the same spot atop his board.

"Aren't you gonna ride?" He asked stepping off. "Nah, I hurt my ankle, I don't think I can" I lied sending him a smile to which he saw right through.

"Cmon, your lying, you literally walked all the way here without a problem" he paused before continuing "why won't you ride?"

I hesitated, "the last time I rode" I gulped "I-uh" I pulled at the collar of my shirt, feeling sweaty as if it had clamped around my neck. "Uh, I got into a bit of an.. accident?" I said, sounding like more of a question.

Skater boy | Jack Avery Where stories live. Discover now