Chapter 1: Two Years Later

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Bryce was spooning me on his thick, cushy bed that Saturday evening.

I wore a pink tank top and black short shorts while he was dressed in only a red shirt and his long plaid pajamas.

A broad smile crept onto my full lips as I felt his hot breath tickle my nape. The warmth of his body engulfed me, his arms wrapped around my bare arms, his chest pressed on my back.

"God,I wish we could stay like this forever," he murmured against my long blonde hair.

"The same outfit every day?" I snorted. "Uh, gross."

"Don't ruin the moment," he whispered, embracing me more securely.

"Oh, is that what this is called?" I drawled as I shifted closer to him.

My boyfriend groaned. "Stacy."

I giggled and reached up behind me to pat his cheek. "Shh. Just shut up and kiss me."

"Hmm. If you say so." He swooped down and I tilted my face up, our lips meeting in a long, passionate kiss. I continued to kiss him, a heated sensation tingling on my skin as his hands cupped either side of my waist. He eagerly responded to my torrid kisses while I got on top of him, straddling him.

The world can be a nasty place.. you know it, I know it, yeah...

"Ace.. your.. phone.." Bryce panted in between kisses.

"Ignore it," I said, moving my lips against his.

We don't have to fall from grace.. put down the weapons you fight with..

"Ace.. maybe it's.. important," he breathed out.

"Shh," I hushed him, placing one finger on his lips before I kissed him again.

And kill em with kindness.. kill em with kindness.. kill em, kill em, kill em with kindness....

Kill em with kindness.. kill em with kindness.. go ahead, go ahead, go ahead now....

"Ugh!" I groaned aloud before I pulled away from Bryce. I was still hovering over him as I reached for my white phone next to a fat pillow.

"Hello?" I didn't bother to disguise the annoyance in my voice.

Shallow breathing. Short gasps. "Ace, I need you."

The moment I heard her muffled sobbing, I got off my boyfriend and I hopped out of the bed.

"Sop, what's wrong?" I urgently asked. I was already shoving my feet into a pair of pink slippers.

I was answered by more ragged breathing and audible sniffles. "I-I left the apartment."

Running my fingers through my golden locks, I slid open a drawer and produced a thin lilac sweater and denim shorts. I climbed into the new set of clothes and rushed to grab my car keys from the glass bowl on the table.

"Tell me everything when we meet. Where are you?" I said into my phone.

"Uh, Ace?" Bryce called. I whipped my head around to give him an earful but I froze in my spot.

My brown-haired, blue-eyed boyfriend had just swung open the door to our condo, revealing a distraught young woman standing in the doorway. Her long chocolate hair was a mess, her brown eyes were swollen, she was still in her college uniform, and she held her black phone against her right ear.

Perched on either side of her legs were seaweed-green suitcases.

"Sophia.." I stared at my twin sister. And just like that, I knew she needed me.

"Stacy!" The 20-year old brunette in eyeglasses slung her arms around my shoulders.

I hugged her tightly, to which she dissolved into massive sobs.I stroked her brown tresses.

"You'll be fine," I whispered into the crown of her head. "I'm here," I said.

I repeated over and over: "I'm here."

Twice The Trouble Book 2 of 2: Twice The LoveWhere stories live. Discover now