Chapter 11: Inner Torture

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Selena's profanity came out quite clear and pronounced.

The three of us: Miles and Selena, and I felt utterly frustrated while standing outside the dean's office. Our dean, Mrs. Garcia, had just dismissed us after a forty-five minute appointment.

"I should have known." Miles wore a disdainful grimace. "We can't rely on the authorities."

Selena and I said nothing for a short moment.

"Girls.." my voice was meek, surprising both my girl friends. "What should I do now?"

Selena's dark eyes narrowed into disbelieving slits. "Do my ears deceive me? Are you actually running out of options? Stacy Eris Sta. Ana NEVER backs down from procuring justice!"

Miles came to my defense, both her hands on my shoulders. "What the hell do you expect her to do, Len? Dean said that since nobody has been harmed, we don't have enough dirt on that scumbag to ruin him."

"I'm not saying we should wait for someone to be assaulted," snapped Selena.

"That sure sounds like your implication," riposted Miles, returning her friend's glare.

"Girls!" I raised my voice. They both glanced at me. "Fighting won't fix anything. And I'll be damned if I give up this early. We can't let this situation continue. There must be some--"

"Good afternoon, ladies."

In an instant, my blood ran cold with fear.

Shit, shit, shit. I shouldn't be afraid of anyone. I didn't do anything wrong, I know this.

Pasting a dazzling smile on my gorgeous-albeit inwardly panicked-face, I turned around.

"Sir Clemente, good afternoon," I greeted with respect he doesn't deserve.

Was it coincidental that he was just passing by this particular hallway?

Or perhaps I'm just paranoid?

Our male professor's expression is so innocent, I almost thought I was just hallucinating the other day at the pool area.

But all of a sudden,Sir Clemente's hazel eyes twinkled with something I recognized time and time again, the same glint I saw in most of the guys I had dated in the past.


It took all my willpower to pretend I didn't notice it.

Miles obviously used supreme effort to stay polite as she asked: "Just passing by, sir?"

The phony college mentor continued to smile at us girls. "Yes. I have a meeting with the dean, for some reason."

He'll know. He's going to know it was me who ratted him out. And I have no idea how I'm going to stomach his classes after this day forward.

I only pray that Miles and Selena don't get affected by this shitty problem.

Sir Clemente disappears into the dean's office, and once I was sure he was detained..

"We're screwed," I said in a shockingly calm tone.

Selena shook her head. "No, Ace. We're not going down without a fight."

"We can't provoke him," interjected Miles thoughtfully. "If we set up a bait or trap, then the situation will turn us into the antagonists. It has to be all him."

I anxiously drummed my right forefinger on my soft lips. How should we handle this?

"I'm here," exclaimed a breathless girl's voice from behind me.

Twice The Trouble Book 2 of 2: Twice The LoveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang