Chapter 7: Suspicions

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June 21, 2017. Wednesday Morning.

Selena Castro swatted my hand, making it fall limp to my white desk.

My sky blue eyes glared at her. "Why did you do that, Len?!?"

The 19-year-old with long bronze hair cradled her chin on her right palm. Our professor had gone to the men's lavatory a moment ago, but he seemed to be taking slightly longer so I assumed he had stomach problems.

At the expense of Sir Clemente's transient absence, the classroom erupted in cheery noise and boisterous laughter. A few of the male students elected to sit on the cold, clean tiled floor.

My long-haired brunette friend sighed, her chin still on her hand, as she used her other hand to doodle (albeit squiggly) animal art on the back of her red notebook. Being an aspiring Fashion Designer, she's quite talented in drawing clothes: tops, pants, skirts, dresses, shoes, scarves, and bags. But when it comes to creatures, I have to be honest here.. she sucks.

"You're thinking my animal doodles suck, don't you?" said Selena with a light chuckle.

Dylan Alonzo, who was sandwiched between us girls in the third row, leaned over to the brunette's desk and scrutinized her "work" before he gave a low, judgmental whistle.

"Oh, shut up, Alonzo!" Selena ripped off the page, crumpled it up, and tossed the wad of paper at her brown-haired seatmate, who used his book to dodge the attack--the ball of paper bounced off of the back of the textbook.

"Could you three keep it down? People are trying to nap here," complained Miles Martinez, who was in the seat on my right side. She had her head buried in her folded arms on her desk, some of her wavy black strands dangling off the edge of her desk.

While Dylan and Selena argued over her "art skills," I wiggled in my seat so I would be facing my right a.k.a. Miles, who was still trying to put in some sleep.

"Have you been staying up late to watch K-Drama again?" I asked, reaching out for her long raven tresses .I started to braid some sections of her wavy hair, which felt soft under my fingers.

"Yeah.." she yawned, without moving an inch from her position, her eyes tightly fastened.

I continued to twist tendrils of her silky black hair. "Miles, you can catch up on your sleep after class is over," I lectured. "We only have school until 10am from Mondays to Fridays, after all."

God, I sound like my twin, Sophia. She usually sermons me like this whenever I'm feeling dull.

Miles let out another yawn. "That's nice.." then she started singing in a groggy voice: "Wake me up.. when September ends.." and she zonked out for real this time.

I raised my chin and surveyed the doorway to check if Sir Clemente would appear any second.

He didn't. Maybe I should see if he's alright?

I rose from my gray seat, garnering the attention of some classmates.

Selena called me. "Ace. Where are you going?"

"To the restroom," I said, already on the way out of the roomful of exuberant teenagers.

Standing in front of the closed blue door of the men's lavatory, I had second thoughts about what I was about to do.

Maybe I should go back to the classroom? So what if a professor might be physically ill? Was it really my duty to assess his well-being?

Hmm. What kind of person is Sir Clemente anyway? I crossed my arms and pinched my chin, racking my brain to rehash brief memories of when I saw my professor interacting with people in the university..

Shit. That's right. When I was a freshman, he would often drop by the indoor pool area at the same time my section held a meeting there. As a Fashion Design student, I observed that most of the blocks were made up of girls--really pretty girls--and during our PE 11, we had swimming lessons.. Every Saturday morning,we would suit up in black one-piece swimsuits and head caps, exposing our bare arms and legs to the cold air and chilly pool water.

His gaze had always seemed to linger on the female students emerged in the swimming pool a few minutes too long.

That sick, lewd asshole.

I took out my white phone from the pocket of my gray vest and composed a quick text to Selena.

To: Selena C. :)

Len, I'm not coming back to the room. I need to confirm something. Guard my bag. Meet me in the main cafeteria in half an hour. Thanks!


I reread my class schedule for the hundredth time.

From Mondays to Fridays, I only have school from 7am-11am.

I suppose this is one of the perks of being a college junior. The work load decreases, but when I become a senior, I'll have to compensate this lenient lifestyle with grueling weeks of interning and practicum shit.

It's a good thing I chose a career path I love: Photography.


The 9:00 bell rang, signaling the start of my second subject for today.

After fifteen minutes of waiting for nothing, our dean's secretary appeared in the doorway and told  us that our professor would not be attending our session, and so we were told to leave the classroom because the maintenance crew will be fixing some electrical glitches in the lighting.

"See you Friday, man," said Jerry, my closest friend and classmate in Photography.

Contrary to what people gossip about, I don't view myself as Mr. Popular. Sure, I knew a lot of names and faces, but that's all they are to me.. names and faces. I can count on my fingers how many people I can actually trust and talk to with unburdened ease.

The kind of persons whom accept and appreciate me for who I am, not for what I have, not for what I can do for them or give to them. The thing is, society is a shitload of crappy human beings whom act on greed, selfishness, and self-benefit.

It makes it more difficult to find a romantic partner---someone who inspires you to become a better version of yourself. Someone who makes you smile and laugh in a way nobody else can. Someone who understands you and doesn't force you to change, knowing that it's your decision if you want to improve yourself.

There are seven billion individuals on earth, but why is it next to impossible for most people to meet the right one? Me, I keep my ideals simple and normal: I want a partner who is honest, loyal, hardworking, kind, smart, caring, and with a good sense of humor. Notice how I didn't say beautiful first, because when the lust dies down, the initial attraction dies down with it.

And you'll need something to engage you.

And that is humor and intelligence.

I'm fortuitous enough to meet a girl like that. Now I have to do whatever I can to make sure she feels the same way.

I was on my way to the internet cafe inside the university to play some online games when my deep blue eyes spotted a tall blonde girl scurrying in the direction of the pool area.

"STA. ANA!" I shouted, which made her stop in her tracks, crane her neck left and right, and when she saw me, she placed a finger on her lips, contemplating on what to do next.

Her sky blue eyes were pinned on my face, and she nodded her head as if to say 'Follow me.' And sucker that I am, I followed her.

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