Chapter 71: Curtains Up

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--What Happened Six Months Earlier--

It was already midnight but the party was still very much alive, thanks to Stacy. Ironically, almost all the guests were either tipsy or drunk while my own twin was sober but behaved otherwise. Her long golden tresses were a mess and her sequined sky blue headband was askew. Her matching shimmery sky blue princess gown glittered with every step she took. My sister whooped jovially, receiving cheers and applause from our guests clad in Disney costumes.

She was like an intoxicated Cinderella.

"HOW ARE YOU ALL DOING TONIGHT?!?" the blonde screamed.

"WE'RE DOING GREAT!" everyone shouted back amidst inebriated laughter.

I glanced at Lucas across the same round table and caught him staring at me. "Is there something on my face?" I asked while nervously touching my cheeks.

The black-haired, brown-eyed male in a princely suit timidly smiled. "No. I was just thinking about how beautiful you look." His gaze held mine. "Happy 19th Birthday, Sophia."

A deep blush filled my cheeks. "T-thank you." Flustered, I stood up, startling him.

"Are you alright?" asked Lucas, concern evident in his voice.

"I just need to use the restroom," I said, feeling awkward as I hiked up the yellow skirt of my gown--I was wearing an off-shoulder gown which resembled the one that Belle wore in Beauty and the Beast. Even my long brown hair was styled in the same fashion.

I was studying my reddened reflection in the mirror above the sink when I saw my black phone vibrating on the pale cream counter in front of me. My brows furrowed when my brown eyes caught sight of the number--it was unregistered.

The first thought that crossed my mind was 'Don't answer it' but the second thought 'It might be important?' overwhelmed me and, since the writer in me felt deeply curious about the anonymous caller, I hesitantly reached for my black phone and answered the call.

I cleared my throat. "Hello?"

My ear was met with silence. "Who is this?" I tried again, but still, no reply.

I was growing more and more confused by the odd turn of events. Who was this and how did they get my number?

There was someone from the other end, I knew, because I could hear shallow breathing, so I waited patiently for the person to assemble his or her thoughts.

After a long moment,I heard a woman's elegant voice. "I-Is this Sophia Sta. Ana?" I ran a quick analysis on her voice. Anxious. Feminine. Sophisticated. I gathered she was in her thirties or forties. She had a fairly American accent.

"Yes, that's me," I confirmed in a kind tone.

"I just want to make sure." She sounded really nervous. "Sophia Ann Pennington Sta. Ana of Quezon City?" she asked. "An Education major in Orion University?"

The way she emphasized my middle name made me feel discomfort.

Still, I repeated: "Yes, that's right."

Another silence ruled over us. For a few seconds, the only sound I could hear was the water dripping from the faucet of the sink in front of me. With shaking hands, I twisted the tap closed to stop the incessant noise.

"My name is Lillian De Los Reyes."

The black phone almost slipped from my fingers. I couldn't believe what was happening. Just hearing her name brought back a flood of memories from the day I spent a good hour on the internet for an research paper I needed to type about "Asia's Most Successful Women."

Twice The Trouble Book 2 of 2: Twice The LoveDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora