Chapter 76: The Heiresses

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I woke up in the middle of the night to someone throwing pebbles at my window.

Blearily, I snuggled deeper under the covers of my thick pink blanket, wanting nothing else but to continue my sleep. But the annoying sound was relentless, and before it could wake up Sophia, I angrily kicked aside my pink sheets, walked barefoot across the room, then opened the window with as much furious caution as I could muster.

There was a full moon that night, and as I looked down,I saw two tall guys, dark-haired, wearing their pajamas, the one with brown locks had a pile of pebbles in his palm.

"What the hell, Jeremiah Ignacio?!?" I whisper-hissed. "Stop throwing pebbles at my window!"

"Sorry," mumbled the brown-haired guy in a shirt and long bottoms.

I glared at him, then at his black-haired friend. "What the hell are you doing here, Noah Torres? It's like two in the morning!" I snapped, struggling to keep my eyes open. "I will sue you!"

"This is really important, Stacy." Noah gazed up at me seriously. "It's about you and Sophia."

"You couldn't have waited until, I don't know, the afternoon, when I don't want to kill you?"

Noah shook his head. "I'm sorry for disrupting your sleep, but this is a very urgent matter."

"It's about your real parents," added Jeremiah, carelessly tossing his pebbles behind him.

"Fine." Ten minutes later, I had woken up Sophia, and we descended the staircase, then swung open the door to reveal Noah and Jerry.

Sophia rubbed the sleep from her brown eyes before looking at the two boys. "What are you guys doing here?" she asked them.

Noah spoke first. "Sophia, Brent De Los Reyes wants to see both you and Stacy as soon as possible."

My brows furrowed. "Why?"

"It's about something your parents left you," answered Jeremiah.

Sophia and I exchanged dubious looks. I turned to Noah and Jerry. "Our parents left us memories," I said to them. "Sad and happy memories. So I don't know what you're talking about."

This time, Jerry and Noah traded meaningful looks. "No, Stacy," said Noah slowly. "When your parents died almost twenty years ago, the Pennington Empire was left in the hands of Brent De Los Reyes.

Due to the early deaths of Emerson and Margaret Pennington--Anastasia's parents--your late grandparents--Anastasia had written in her last will that should something happen to her, only one person was entrusted with her family's grand business empire--Brent De Los Reyes. I won't go into much detail of why he was chosen as the successor, but your mom must have had her reasons."

Behind me, I felt Sophia slip her arm around mine. I sensed her nervousness as she hugged my arm. My sky blue eyes focused on Noah. "That still doesn't answer my question. Why does he want to see us?"

"Your inheritance," he answered. "You were supposed to receive it on your 20th birthday, but lately, the Pennington Empire has been, to put it bluntly, tanking. Mr. De Los Reyes wants to discuss the matters of your parents' last will as well as the condition of your mother's old company."

"But Sophia and I know nothing about business," I protested.

"That's not entirely true," Jerry chimed in. "Noah and I have shared some knowledge with Sophia. And if you're willing, Stacy, we can help both of you out with understanding the basics of handling a business."

"This is too much to take in," I said with a sigh. "We're not even properly trained to become heiresses. Sophia intends to be a teacher--a professor, someday--while I aspire to become a world renowned fashion designer."

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