Chapter 58: Up & Down

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"I remember."

"W-what?" stuttered Felicia.

"I remember," I repeated, annoyed. "I know that you were never my girlfriend. And I know who I really want."

"I.. I'm so--"

"Forget it," I said then stood up from the bench. The Halloween fair's vibe lost all its charm.

"W-wait, Bryce!" Felicia grabbed the sleeve of my prisoner shirt, pulling me back.

I scowled at the tall girl in a black robe and gray wig--she was dressed as a judge. "What do you want?"

Felicia bit her bottom lip and looked at me. "Why not me?"

I arched a brow at her. "What?"

"Why Stacy? I'm way more beautiful than her," she said. "Come on, Bryce. I'd be a way better girlfriend than that b--" I glared at Felicia, daring her to go on. She swallowed hard. "I'm pretty, smart, and confident. Honestly, Bryce. I don't understand why you're tripping over yourself for someone like Stacy Eris Sta. Ana."

"Someone like Stacy?" I echoed, shooting her daggers. "Yeah, you're right. Maybe I am being an idiot for chasing after someone as kind, caring, and thoughtful as Stacy. I must be out of my mind for wanting to be with someone as strong, as fun, as loving as her. But you know what? If this is how being an idiot feels like, then I'd gladly be stupid all my life.. because someone like Stacy Eris Sta. Ana is worth all idiocy and the emotional roller-coaster."

Felicia's chin wobbled, tears spilling down her cheeks. "What does she have that I don't?"

I pointed to my chest. "My heart, Felicia. She has my heart."

Then I walked away.


"Hey, Laurence?"

In less than thirty minutes, Halloween would be over. I was surprised to still feel wide awake even though it was almost midnight. The starless sky was like a black canvas above our heads, and the only source of light were the streetlamps lining up the pavements. A few guardians were dutifully ushering their adorable children into their houses despite their high-pitched protests.

My companion didn't answer, but I knew he heard me, so I went on. "Thanks for coming with me to the party. It means a lot."

Still no reply from him. I shrugged before continuing to pick up every candy wrapper I saw. "Could you stop doing that?" Finally, Laurence craned his neck to the left to look at me.

"Doing what?" I bent down to reach for a shiny blue plastic wrapper. I was piling them up in my free arm because there was too many to stack on my palm.

"That!" Laurence exhaled heavily. "You're not a trash collector. Quit picking up after other people. It's not your job."

My lips tightened in a thin line as I glowered at him. "I'm making it my job," I said obstinately. "There's nothing wrong with helping other people. If you can help, you have to help."

"Why?" My fellow pirate demanded. "Why should you have to help just because you can? Ours is a cruel, selfish world, full of unreliable people. Don't sell me that Mother Teresa act because I'm not buying it."

"What is your problem?" I hugged the candy wrappers to my stomach. There were dozens of them and the jagged ends were straining into my skin. "I just wanted to be helpful."

"Stop spewing that martyr bullshit," Laurence hissed. "No one is kind or generous without expecting something in return. Let other people clean up after their messes."

Twice The Trouble Book 2 of 2: Twice The LoveWhere stories live. Discover now