Epilogue: Six Months Later

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"Meeting adjourned."

To Sophia's confusion, she was the only person who stood up from her seat. The other thirty people at the long table remained in their chairs. I felt my lips curl into a cunning grin.

"Why is everyone still..?" Her brown eyes landed on mine just as I snapped my fingers.

Sophia yelped when confetti exploded from every angle. She was the only person who didn't have a party popper with her. Within sixty seconds, all the employees rose and smilingly sang "Happy Birthday To You" just as more people piled into the massive conference room--my family, Sophia's family, our closest friends, all of them scattered into the generous space.

Stacy brought a large two-layered square mocha cake and set it down on the table. Everyone was wearing colorful and glittery party hats, but Stacy wore one with a pink 20 on it. She lit up the #20 candles on the cake before she laughingly summoned her sister over to her side.

Everyone took pictures as Sophia donned a similar hat to her twin's, except the 20 was green.

"Make a wish!" goaded Jeremiah.

The sisters simultaneously blew on the two striped candles, receiving a round of merry applause after the flames went out. Bryce gave Stacy a passionate kiss on her lips, causing an uproar of approval from everyone in the conference room.

On impulse, I glanced at Sophia. Her deep brown eyes were looking at me too, but she quickly looked away, as did I.

I miss her.

I miss us.

Six months had passed since that day we broke up. Today marked her and Stacy's last day at De Los Reyes Enterprises. After this party, they were free to claim their inheritance.

The celebration lasted until ten pm. I surveyed the place. The conference room was a mess by the time everyone had gone home.

Almost everyone.

A girl--with a long brown ponytail, brown eyes, and rimless eyeglasses--was in the room with me. She wore an askew glittery party hat, a white long-sleeved polo, dark green pencil-skirt,and black heels. A tired smile graced her full pink lips as she kept bending down to pick up plastic cups and paper plates, tossing them into a large black garbage bag as she moved around the place.

"Why did you stay behind?" I asked her.

Sophia let out a contented sigh. "You know I like to help, Lucas. The building closes at eleven and it'd be kind of bad to leave this mess to the maintenance crew." She reached for a plastic fork, then carelessly deposited it into the garbage bag.

She caught me watching her. I gulped when her gaze traveled down to my chest. What was I wearing? A simple, crisp white shirt with rolled-up sleeves, blue-necktie, blue blazer and black slacks. I didn't know why she was behaving oddly but she seemed to have noticed something.

The brunette suddenly took a step towards me. "Please stand still?" she requested.

I had trouble breathing properly upon the close proximity. One more step and I could-- "It's crooked," she stated, her hands reaching for my blue necktie. She straightened it down, then patted me on my chest. When she stepped back to continue her work, I felt inexplicably disappointed.

"You're really not going to help me?" she asked without moving her head.

"O-Oh, sorry." I hastily hopped around the conference room, loading up plastic cups, paper plates and plastic forks into my arms and dumping them into the garbage bag.

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