Chapter 57: Cop and Robber

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That was all I could say because the sight that greeted me nearly rendered me speechless. Under the endless blanket of the night sky were black tents, game booths, concession stands, and an ocean of college students and professors milling everywhere in various costumes ranging from whimsical to downright preposterous. I think I even saw a girl dressed as Snow White leading a line of seven guys in their early twenties and clad in dwarf outfits.

"Ace, I feel stupid," protested my date for the Halloween dance.

I craned my neck to look at Dylan before I burst into sheer laughter. "I'm sorry. I can't stop laughing," I said between fits of giggles and snickers.

Somehow, I got my best guy friend to agree to my choice of costume for him: A matching dark blue police uniform like mine--with short shorts.

"Ace.." he intoned, warning lacing his voice. "Why did I put this on?" he sighed, more to himself as he gazed up at the night sky.

"Because you love me," I jokingly told him as I hooped my arm around his. "I'm hungry. Let's go grab some food over there!" I pointed to a kiosk selling fries and hotdogs.

While we ate our snacks, Miles and Selena arrived, both of them dressed like newly wed brides: White veils, white gowns, flowers in their hands.. Selena even had a short train flowing behind her.

Amused, I tilted my head. "Why are you two in wedding gowns?"

As though they anticipated the question, Miles and Selena chorused: "Because a lot of people are afraid of commitment!"

"Not that many," Dylan objected automatically. "As long as they meet the right person, devotion becomes a piece of cake."

The two brides rolled their eyes skyward. Miles said: "We didn't come here to hear a lecture from Officer Cheese-ball."

Selena nodded her head at me. "That's right. We have come to abduct you, Officer Goddess."

"Why does she get a better nickname?" Dylan sighed.

I gave his arm a comforting squeeze, making him smile in defeat. "Yeah, fine," he said.

Miles suddenly held up a piece of black cloth, stretching it so fiercely it made whip noises. It didn't help my case that she had a crazed glint in her hazel eyes as she held the cloth.

"I'm leaving," I told them.

"Don't be such a buzzkill," said Selena as she grabbed my hand.

Miles went behind me and covered my eyes with the black cloth. All I could see was darkness. "Where are we going?" I asked, nervous but curious at the same time.

I heard Selena's voice. "Just wait."

We continued to walk for a few more minutes, then Miles said: "How the hell do you work this thing?" she sounded frustrated but excited, making me feel more anxious by the minute.

"Finally," muttered Miles, followed by an odd click originating from my waist.

"What the heck is happening?" I demanded, unable to see anything.

Selena's voice commanded with firm authority: "Prisoner number 8. Kindly stand up."

I heard shoes shuffling, some male whines, and then I felt something cold and metallic clamp around my wrist. A wave of nostalgia washed over me. This feeling around my wrist.. I remembered it from a long time ago.. when Bryce and I were taken to the jail booth during the Orion Anniversary Festival and the annoying policewoman slapped a pair of handcuffs on our wrists--wait a second.

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