Chapter 23: Getting Ready

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How do people celebrate first-month anniversaries?

I've read hundreds of fictional books, most of them romantic comedies, and I've watched thousands of movies, a vast majority of them love stories. So I should have accumulated several ideas for this particular day.

Only, I'm a novice at romantic relationships.. so when this day had finally come, my initial reaction was: PANIC.

Stacy frowned at my fidgety fingers and tried to placate me: "Sop, calm down."

My sarcastic side began to resurface. I smiled cynically. "Why didn't I think of that?"

Rolling her light blue eyes heavenward,my twin sister reached for my hand,squeezing it reassuringly. "It's a spa,not an execution room,so there's no need to be nervous."

It's a quarter to seven in the morning and yes, Stacy and I were at Island Spa, one of the most prestigious beauty spas in Metro Manila.

And it is amazing here, despite my previous reservations of coming at all.

The reception area looked like a Greek grotto, with pillars and soft music and a lovely scent of essential oils in the air.

Stacy and I sat in silence for a while--then a girl in a white uniform came in to collect me and took me to a treatment room, where a white robe and slippers were waiting, all wrapped up in embossed cellophane.

As I got changed, I felt an uneasy lurch in my tummy. I've never had my legs waxed before.

Removing my oval eyeglasses, I folded the stems in and placed them on a nearby counter.

My brown eyes focused on the demure girl in white uniform. "So, does my treatment include waxing?" I inquired, trying to sound lighthearted.

"You're booked in for a full waxing program," said the beautician, looking up in surprise. "The 'top-to-toe'. Legs, arms,eyebrows. And Brazilian."

Arms? Eyebrows? I could feel my throat tightening in fear. I haven't been this scared since my heart transplant last year, and that was really saying something.

"Brazilian?" I echoed in a scratchy voice. "What.. what's that?"

"It's a form of bikini wax. A total wax."

I stared at her, my mind working overtime. She couldn't possibly mean---

"So if you'd like to lie down on the couch.."

"Wait!" I said, trying to keep my voice calm. "When you say 'total' do you mean.."

"Uh-huh." The beautician smiled. "Then, if you wish, I could apply a small crystal tattoo to the.. area. A love heart is quite popular. Or perhaps the initials of someone special?"

No. This couldn't be real.

"So, if you would please lie down on the couch and relax--"

Relax? Relax?

She turned back to her pot of molten wax--and I felt a surge of pure horror.

"I'm not doing it," I heard myself saying, and slithered off the couch. "I'm not having any of it."

"The tattoo?"

"Any of it."

"Any of it?"

The beautician came towards me, and in panic I dodged behind the couch, clasping my white robe defensively around me.

"But Miss Stacy has already paid for the entire treatment--"

"I don't care what she'd paid for,"I said, backing away,making a mental note to kill my sister later. "You can wax my arms. And my legs. But definitely not.. the other one. The crystal love heart one."

The beautician looked worried.

"Miss Stacy Eris is one of our most regular customers. She specifically requested the 'top-to-toe' wax for you."

"I don't care!" I said desperately. "I can talk to her. You don't have to worry. Honest."

There was a tense silence, broken only by the sound of tootling panpipes.

Then suddenly the beautician gave a snort of laughter. I met her eye--and found myself starting to laugh, too, albeit slightly hysterically.

"You're right," she said, sitting down and wiping her eyes. "She always mentioned how much she cares about you."

"How about a compromise?" I suggested. "You do my arms, legs, and eyebrows, and we keep quiet about the rest."

"I could give you a massage as well," she said, nodding her head. "Use up the time."

"There we are, then!" I said in relief. "Perfect!"

Feeling slightly drained, I lied down on the couch, and the beautician covered me up expertly with a towel.

"Big date tonight?" asked the beautician, smoothing back my long brown hair.

"Yes." I looked up, beaming at her. "First month anniversary with my boyfriend."

She smiled benevolently. "Congratulations." Her eyes twinkled with nostalgia. "It must be nice to be young again.." she murmured while spreading oil along my bare arms.

When I emerged an hour and a half later,I felt fantastic. I've got brand-new eyebrows, smooth arms and legs,and a glow all over from the most wonderful aromatherapy massage.

Stacy was waiting for me at the reception area, and as I come toward her, she runs her appraising eyes up and down my body.

A satisfied smile formed across her pink lips. She linked her arm with mine, then ushered me to a nearby diner for some brunch. We didn't get a chance to eat breakfast when we left the house.

By ten o clock, we were at the mall a few blocks away.

We were done shopping after three hours. Listening to Stacy's advice, I bought a short black lace body-con dress that was a bit conservative in the front with long transparent sleeves and a hem that ended mid-thigh. But the back was sexy--it was bare down to my waist.

It took an hour to find the perfect shoes--a silver pair of three-inch heels to match my dress.

We went to the beauty salon afterward to start my makeover.

I had a manicure and pedicure done by Stacy's usual assistants. They did my hair and makeup.

Terra, the lovely hairstylist, just curled the edges of my brown hair to add volume to it. She swept most of my chocolate tresses to the side of my neck to add an elegant look, and left a few swirly stands framing my oval-shaped face, for a more sultry, seductive demeanor.

My makeup was simple and light, which she finished with a lustrous red lip.

After a late lunch, my sister and I arrived home at six in the evening.

I immediately rushed to our bedroom and changed. When I was done dressing up and put my high heels on, I took my contact lenses inside my vanity drawer and put them in my eyes.

I studied my appearance in the full-length mirror. I looked different from the Sophia who wore rimless eyeglasses and old-fashioned clothes. It would probably be hard for someone who knew me as a nerd to recognize me now, with my long brown hair hanging down to my slim waist and every curve of my body flaunted.

At quarter to seven, I was ready. I was still inside my bedroom, feeling utterly nervous. My hands were shaking and my legs were trembling.

I didn't know what to expect that night.

Twice The Trouble Book 2 of 2: Twice The LoveWhere stories live. Discover now