Chapter 74: Hot Seats

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Oh, God, I feel so nervous.

I knew it was my suggestion to use my house as a venue but now that the day had actually come, just to be on the safe side, I stored all my valuables inside the master bedroom--cherished picture frames and expensive vases--should there be any violent outbursts this morning.

Raking my gaze around the living room, I allowed myself a little smile of relief and satisfaction. Last night, with the aid of my husband, Kean, and the sisters, Stacy and Sophia, the four of us pushed the furniture aside to make more space for today's "activity." A lone table sat in the place where the sofa used to be. In a curved line were eight plastic chairs, a reasonable gap between each one.

If this goes well--fingers crossed--and I hope that it does, I stored some lunch and a pitcher of freshly squeezed orange juice in the fridge. But I have to stay realistic. Being idealistic was good, but I needed to get a grip. It's been a really long time since I was in the same room as them.

Kean,my husband, and Kayla, our daughter, were at his parents' place, which was out of town, for two days. It was Christmas break and the original plan was for the three of us to go together, but I needed to finish this. I want to face this, no matter how much it may hurt.

The doorbell rang, making me jump,my hand flying to my wildly beating heart. Before my resolve could crumble like sand, I hurried over to the door and swung it open to reveal the first two visitors: Archer Graham and Vivien Aguilar. Two down, six more to go. Actually, aside from myself, Archer and Vivien were the only two from the old group that knew this was my house.

The others? Not so much.

Like me, Archer and Vivien bundled up in layers. The late December breeze had effectively coaxed everyone to dress the same--thick shirts, long-sleeved cardigans, warm pants, and sneakers.

I smiled at both of them. "I'm glad you made it safely. Come inside." When they silently stepped into the living room, I asked, "Would either of you like some water or hot chocolate?"

The two arrivals chorused: "Hot chocolate." In wonder, they roamed about the living area, scanning their surroundings, probably confused at the lack of framed photos on the wall.

Seconds later, I set two white mugs of steaming hot cocoa on the table at the front of the room. Archer and Vivien thanked me, reached for the mugs, and took long, grateful sips of their drinks.


I jumped again, making the two laugh. I frowned at them but I was happy to see them loosening up a little. My hand was just encasing the cold knob when I heard voices outside: "What the fuck is this? What are you two doing here?" Followed by: "Keep that filthy finger out of my face, you asshole." Then the third voice: "To hell with this. I'm leaving."

I pulled open the door to see Eric Ortega, Vivian Alfonso, and Felicity Campos turning to leave, but when I stood in the doorway, they looked over their shoulders and wore shocked faces.

Vivian was the first to recover. "This is YOUR house?" she spat. "I should have known this was a sick prank. I can't believe I was stupid enough to fall for it."

"Holy shit, is that Archer?" Eric was peering into the living room. "And Vivien?"

When Vivien saw Eric, she went stiff and quickly hid behind Archer, who scowled at Eric.

The buff blond snorted derisively. "It's been five years, get over it."

"Just pick a chair, Ortega," snapped Archer.

"So you finally grew a pair." Eric sneered at him before sitting down at one end of the chair-curve. He made himself comfortable, and as much as I hated his very existence, I offered him a mug of hot chocolate, which he accepted with an annoying smirk.

Twice The Trouble Book 2 of 2: Twice The LoveKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat