Chapter 13: Worrywart

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Hey, Ace, I was won--

I quickly backtracked my half-baked message, then started anew.

So I was talking to Alexis and the guys and they said----

My keyboard made a tap tap tap sound as I deleted the second draft.

Do you think that Lucas is into--

Erase! Erase! I silently screamed in my head, my fingers jabbing at the Delete button.

No point doing this virtually. This kind of topic had to be discussed face-to-face.

It's 11:30 pm. My 7-10 class been over for a while, and I just finished an enjoyable lunch with Emily, Spencer, Alexis, Trevor, Ronald, and Travis, all of which have gone to their respective homes.

I stared at my phone for a chaste moment.

To: Your Beautiful Sister

What are you up to?

Not a minute later did my phone bleep, indicating a swift response from my vivacious twin.

From: Your Beautiful Sister

Why do you naturally assume I'm concocting some scheme?

Despite myself, I felt a bubble of mirth rising from inside my chest.

To: Your Beautiful Sister

So you're not?

From: Your Beautiful Sister

It's not my fault I easily attract both men and trouble

To: Your Beautiful Sister

Have you eaten with Miles and Selena?

From: Your Beautiful Sister

They're currently trailing the pervert for some evidence. Told me to have lunch with Dylan. So I did.

To: Your Beautiful Sister

Let's go home together?

From: Your Beautiful Sister

Can't. I wheedled Dylan into the situation. Literally hiding behind a bush, monitoring the girls.

My brown eyes widened behind my rimless eyeglasses.

To: Your Beautiful Sister

You're stalking two stalkers?!?

From: Your Beautiful Sister

Don't be vulgar. The correct term is 'private investigators.' This is for the greater good!

To: Your Beautiful Sister

Stay safe.

From: Your Beautiful Sister

Yes, mom.

I stifled my laughter while pocketing my black phone.

Upon raising my chin, I found myself staring into a pair of deep blue eyes.

"Hi, Bryce," I calmly greeted the brown-haired De Los Reyes twin. Does he know what my mischievous sister is up to? If he did, wouldn't he be following and protecting her?

The tall male smirked at me, but I was used to it. "You're an open book, Sophia," he remarked.

My eyebrows knitted in perplexity. "How so?"

Bryce inserted his hands in his pockets. "You were wondering why I'm not with Stacy, huh?"

No sense denying it. I leveled with his easygoing demeanor. "Yup. So how come you aren't?"

"I know what she's doing." The 19-year-old sighed. "I spotted her rustling behind a potted plant a few minutes ago. I know she can handle herself." He paused, then looked at me. "If more people are involved, it's going to get messy."

A heavy but comfortable silence fell over us like a blanket.

"You're itching to ask where my brother is, aren't you?" he said, shattering the quiet.

My teeth chewed on my bottom lip in embarrassment. "Yes," I whispered.

"I could have told you two weeks ago,you know." Bryce locked eyes with me. "But you wanted him to respond to your calls and messages, am I right?"


"Just please tell me one thing," I pleaded with him. "Is he eating and sleeping properly?"

Bryce was no longer paying me attention. His piercing blue orbs were fixated behind me.

"Why don't you ask him yourself?" he gestured his head forward, coaxing me to look.

I swiveled around and gasped when I saw a tall, black-haired, brown-eyed guy in a neat white polo, blue necktie with matching slacks. His smile was weary, and in his arms was a stunning bouquet of sparkling red roses.

My favorite flower.

I dashed toward Lucas, catching him in time as he fainted. His masculine weight bore down on me, and I heaved a girlish grunt from the effort of keeping him off the ground.

"Bryce, help--" My heart sank.In a matter of seconds, Bryce had fled from the scene, leaving me with a soundless, unconscious 19-year-old on top of my back.

What the heck! No wonder Stacy labeled him annoying when she first met him.

"Sophia.." mumbled a sleeping Lucas, his warm breath fanning my right earlobe, making me involuntarily shiver. My heart skipped a beat, and with a second grunt, I summoned all the strength in my body to lift him better, dragging his figure into the nearby infirmary.

Thank God he's okay.

I think.

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