Chapter 22: Parenting

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Okay, I take it back. Babysitting was harder than I imagined.

I blame Mary Poppins and her ridiculous umbrella. She made it look so EASY, with that bottomless bag, those damn songs, and her perfect accent and whatever.

The infinitesimal sky has turned orange tinged with blue, pink, and violet. A hasty peak at my white phone informed me that it was five thirty and the sun would disappear soon.

I brought Megan to the nearby park, which I had to admit, was quite scenic, with small hills of lush green grass, tall ancient trees with grotesque branches, and a few benches occupied by mothers in their late thirties, chatting among one another while their kids, I assumed, played around.

"Achoo!" I sneezed, hurriedly pulling out my beige handkerchief and rubbing at my nose.

I bent down to peer at little Megan, who seemed to be wrinkling her button nose in distaste.

No. Oh, no. Please don't catch a cold.

Within three seconds, I shook off my thick denim jacket and draped it over her small shivering body, leaving me in my plain black shirt and faded jeans.

"How's that?" I cooed softly, touching her tiny cheek, to which she giggled in response.

God, babies are so adorable when they're not screeching or shrieking out tantrums.

I was startled when Megan's hand opened and closed like a starfish over my pinky finger.

My heart skipped a beat.

What.. what's going on?

I stared at Megan, a lone tear sliding down my right cheek.

"Ate Jolene and Kuya Marcus are so lucky to have you," I told her even though she probably couldn't understand me.

Her dainty lips curled upward, then she made a gurgling sound, which I learned meant she was hungry, so I went around her pink stroller, reached down for her milk bottle, and handed it to her.

To my delight, she obediently grabbed the transparent bottle and started to nurse it.

I proceeded to push her stroller around the breezy park, my pace slow and careful.

So this is what it felt like to be a mother, worrying all the time, wanting the best for your child.

I would make a fabulous parent.

"Kids these days can be so irresponsible."

My heart missed a beat when I heard one of the mothers on the benches say those words.

I walked slower, my pulse racing, my jaw tightening.

Another mother commented: "It's not very surprising, though. Pretty girls like that are most likely to get pregnant early."

My hands trembled over the metal handle of Megan's pink carriage.

"It's such a pity," chimed in a third mom. "If only she used her brains, she wouldn't have made a mistake."

That was the limit.

I angrily whirled around to face the three insensitive women in v-neck blouses and saggy pants.

"Babies are not mistakes," I hissed at them, my face red and livid. "And for your information, I am not the mother to this blessing you call a mistake," I seethed, putting a hand on my hip, furiously glaring at the shocked audience of mothers, my free hand curled over Megan's stroller handle.

One of the moms, with short black hair and small silver hoop earrings,gave me a grimace.

"Who are you?" she demanded.

I swept a scornful gaze over the three women shooting me disdainful looks.

"I'm a girl helping out a family member with her daughter," I pronounced icily. "I'm a girl who is still in college, and even if I had gotten pregnant, I wouldn't have perceived my own baby as a MISTAKE," I said with emphasis, darting a raised brow at the black-haired mom, who recoiled in mortification. "I'm a girl who--"

A pair of male hands abruptly grabbed me by the upper arms,interrupting my righteous rant.

"I think it's time for us to go," said a young man's voice.

"Release me!" I squirmed with indignation but he was too strong.

To my horror, my outburst caused Megan to babyish sobs, her little fists pounding on the makeshift blanket of my denim jacket.

"This is your fault," I accused the tall 19-year-old with brown hair, blue eyes, and simple white shirt and blueberry-colored pants.

I bent down and scooped up Megan in my arms, caressing her small back while swaying from side to side.

Bryce walked alongside me as he thrust Megan's pink stroller toward his shiny black mustang, which he had bought a few months ago when he had sold his too-huge black hummer.

He expertly folded up the stroller and deposited it in the backseat, and I gaped at him, perplexed by his ability to handle a baby carriage.

My flummoxed face caught his eye. His lips formed a smirk as he gestured for me to hop in the black car.

Protectively hugging Megan to my chest, I slid into the cold, impressive interior of the car.

"Could you please turn down the AC?" My voice was meek but I didn't give a damn. I was too engrossed in fretting over Megan's shivering state to stay mad. The denim jacket wasn't sufficient enough to shield her skin from the chill.

Bryce quietly complied to my request, switching off the air-conditioner, then revved the engine.

Peeling onto the almost-empty driveway, he cast me a side-glance, his expression bemused.

"I dropped by Sentimental Sweets earlier." While Bryce explained his appearance, I struggled with the seat-belt, attempting to slide it over both me and Megan without straining the black leather on her tiny body.Damn,this was hard.

"Sophia was there, helping out your cousin, Ate Jolene. She mentioned you were babysitting Megan.." He continued, the corners of his mouth twitching with amusement.

I narrowed my sky blue eyes at him. "It's not funny," I muttered darkly.

His gaze on the road, Bryce blew out a disappointed sigh. "You're busy. I get it."

"Bryce." He looked at me when I called his name. My tone was gentle when I asked him: "Were you looking for me?"

Two bright pink spots bloomed on his cheeks. "I was planning to invite you for dinner."

"Oh." I felt my own face heat up. My attention shifted to the one-year-old girl in on my lap.

My phone beeped inside my jeans pocket. I hastily fished it out and saw a few messages in my inbox. One from Sophia, and the second from my 23-year-old cousin.

From: Your Nutty Sister

Bryce was here. I think he wanted to take you on a date?

From: Ate Jolene

Your suitor came by a few minutes ago. You can take Meg with you to dinner. Buy her something healthy. Be back by 8:00.

I cleared my throat,earning an inquisitive smile and arched eyebrow from Bryce.

"Two hours," I told him while raising two fingers.

His grin broadened.

"That's more than enough."

Twice The Trouble Book 2 of 2: Twice The LoveWhere stories live. Discover now