Chapter 28: Twin Wolves

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I glared at Sophia from across the room as she expertly circled the restaurant, one tray of burgers, fries, and drinks in each hand.

My gray eyes narrowed into tiny slits. It made no sense how she managed to snag a guy like Lucas De Los Reyes. He was another one of those people that everyone wanted to desperately please just for him to throw a bone at them. He grew up in wealth, and of course he grew up with the kind of face millions of girls would drool over. It was like good karma followed him everywhere.


I pasted a tight smile across my face and said cheerfully: "Thank you for eating at Snack Attack! Have a good day and please come again!"

When the cluster of giggling teenage girls departed the restaurant, I returned my attention to Sophia, who was serving another table their orders, her whole aura bright and gleeful.

Fuck it. What the hell was she so damn happy about?!? Shouldn't people hate being at work?

When Sophia's annoying blonde twin, Stacy, left her cash register to wait some tables, my black-haired sister, Felicia, shot me an insolent smirk.

"If you stare at her a second longer, you'll burn a hole through her skull," she mused.

"I'm praying for it," I muttered in an ominous voice, keeping my gaze in front of me.

"Loosen up, twin brother." Felicia's gray eyes twinkled with mischief.

I flashed her an irritated look. "Why don't you mind your own business, get a decent boyfriend, maybe? You always date losers," I said, unleashing only an inch of my snide personality.

My sister was unfazed by the laceration in my tone. She continued to wear an arrogant grin.

"Oh, I'm working on it," she stated, straightening up when a tall guy walked into the restaurant. I raised a quizzical eyebrow at her before following her sultry gaze.

I turned to Felicia in more wonder than disbelief. "Seriously?"

She flicked her long black ponytail over her shoulder, checked her makeup in her compact mirror, then snapped it shut before darting a long and tantalizing stare at the new arrival, a brown-haired, blue-eyed 19-year-old clad in a plain shirt and faded pants.

Bryce De Los Reyes.

In the corner of my eye, I glimpsed Stacy emerging from the ladies' room.

"Do what you want," I muttered to my sister, not moving my head. "Just don't let your drama interfere in mine."

"I'm not promising anything." Then, to Bryce, Felicia greeted girlishly: "Hi, Bryce!"

Ignoring what may happen between Stacy and my devious twin sister,I glanced at Sophia again. A relaxed smile curved her plump lips while she calmly walked towards me--or more specifically, towards her efficient till.

Sophia dutifully stood behind the counter, waiting for any customers, her brown eyes patient and her posture erect.

Nothing left to do but piss her off.

"You look happy," I observed, craning my neck to face her.

The young brunette showed me a close-lipped smile as she said: "I am."

I scrutinized her appearance for the nth time. Five-nine. She wasn't as model-thin as Stacy,but she had slim waist, long legs, and full curves in all the right places. Her skin was light brown, the common skin color of Filipino women, same as the brown of her eyes. Deep in shade, but Sophia had full eyelashes that thousands of girls would pay big money for. And she also had red rosy cheeks, pink lips, and wavy chocolate hair streaming down to her waist like pure silk.

Perhaps if she actually bothered to change out of those dull, simple clothes, she would---

"Why are you staring at me?" Her voice sliced through my bubble of thoughts. "Is there something on my face?" Sophia removed her oval eyeglasses before touching her forehead, cheeks, nose, chin.

"You're not that pretty,you know," I said on impulse. Heck, I just wanted to see her angry.

Her brows furrowed in confusion. "Pardon?" She put on her glasses, tucking the stems behind her ears, then she tilted her head to one side as she looked at me, her face perplexed.

"I'm just saying." I shrugged, folding my arms across my chest. "You're no Beauty Queen."

Sophia stared at me. "Why are you telling me this?" her bottom lip trembled slightly. If I didn't know any better, I'd say she was genuinely hurt by my scathing remark.

I stared back at her. "I've been wondering how you got a boyfriend so easily. I mean, you're not that sexy or interesting. Look at you, hidden under a mountain of layers, burying your nose in book after book  after book.I mean, come on. If I were your boyfriend--"

"Well, you're not," she interrupted succinctly, fixing me with a taut smile. "And I didn't ask for your opinion regarding my face, my lifestyle, and my sense of style. So kindly mind your own business." She focused her brown eyes on the chipper customers around the restaurant.

"How old is your relationship with Larry?" I goaded her.

Sophia's frown deepened. She didn't answer me.

"Two weeks? Three weeks?" I guessed, reveling in the furious red filling up her face.

"Two months." She dropped her shoulders. "And one week. And his name is Lucas."

I smiled mockingly at her. "How far have you gotten with him?"

"These questions feel too personal," said the brunette, her voice cold.

"No they're not," I countered with a wicked grin. I was enjoying arguing her more than I should have. Little Miss Prim and Proper was losing her perennial composure.

"Laurence, stop." She rarely said my name, but when she did, I was always caught off guard by the easy and clear way she pronounced it. Her voice proved rich and captivating whenever she spoke any syllable. And it was exasperatingly soothing.

I blew out a heavy breath. "Have you done it?"

Her brown eyes dilated in appalled shock, but when she parted her pink lips to respond, she looked at her pants pocket and fished out her black phone. She excused herself in order to answer the call.


What was his problem?

It was as though he was itching for a fight. One I refused to give him.

Inside a restroom cubicle, I sat on the sealed lid of the toilet bowl and pressed my phone against my right ear. "Hello?"

"Sophia!" It was Liam Garcia, my best guy friend of five years.

I smiled upon hearing his warm, welcoming voice. "Hi, Li," I said into the receiver.

He chuckled, sounding absolutely ecstatic. "I have some good news!"

"I could use a piece of good news right about now," I quietly mumbled.

Liam's tone became that of concern. "Is something wrong, Sophia?"

"I'll tell you some other time," I told him. "For now, what's your news?"

He drew in a deep breath before speaking again.

"There's this girl I met last week, and she is so amazing..."

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