Chapter 39: Dessert First

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"Why did you lock the door?" I nervously asked my black-haired, brown-eyed boyfriend in a black corporate suit.

Lucas furrowed his brows in bewilderment. "So no one can disturb us, Ya," he said, calling me by my nickname of "Ya" derived from "Sophia."

"Disturb us?" I echoed, taking a careful step back,steadying my palm on the long mahogany table. The texture felt cold and smooth under my skin, I noticed.

The 19-year-old future CEO of D.L.R. Enterprises scratched his right cheek. When he did that, it meant he was clueless or bashful, depending on the gleam in his brown eyes.

"For more privacy, Ya," he said in a troubled manner. "Is something wrong?"

"Privacy?" I repeated.

Lucas gave a boyish chuckle. "You sound like a broken phonograph."

He stepped forward. I stepped back in reaction.His brown eyes observed my face and the alarm written all over it. After an excruciatingly long time, the only sound we could hear was the soft humming of the air-conditioner.

"Sophia." Comprehension clicked in Lucas's brown eyes. "What were you assuming just now?"

All the blood in my body rushed up to my face. "N-nothing you can prove," I babbled.

My heart was thumping like a drumbeat as Lucas advanced towards me.. only to stop in front of the brown tote bag that I brought with me. I almost forgot about the real reason I came here.

I wasn't sure my face could get any redder. I lay my hand on my chest, trying to stabilize the acceleration of my heart while Lucas peered into the tote bag.

"Did you cook all this food?" he asked, rummaging through the contents like a child with his sock on Christmas day. One by one, he took out the transparent food containers. First, the box filled with chicken tenders--there were exactly eight pieces. Next came the box of white rice, enough for two people. Third came the small container of mashed potatoes. And lastly, the silver thermos of ice-temperature water.

"Everything's cold," I muttered.

Lucas caught me pouting at the pile of food containers. "I have my personal microwave in there," he said, aiming his finger at the office where he had a meeting with Mr. Tucker.

My brown eyes lit up. "Really? Can we use it?"

A laugh escaped him. "Of course." He stacked up the three food containers in his arms which left me with only the tall thermos to schlep into the adjoining office.

I followed my boyfriend into the room, a cold breeze welcoming me. Ah.. I love the AC.

Lucas placed the trio of diaphanous boxes on the varnished wooden table, a few feet away from a large, empty coffee pot and a massive mound of paperwork.

"So this is where you keep to yourself," I murmured, hugging my arms, gazing around the room.

"It's also where I spend hours thinking about you," he whispered on my nape as he embraced me from behind. I was startled, but I leaned against him, closing my eyes and savoring the warmth of his hold around me.

"I missed you, Lucas," I breathed, my skin tingling when he buried his face in the crook of my neck, the curve where my jaw and shoulder met.

"I missed you, too, even though we saw each other at Orion yesterday," he said, causing both of us to laugh.

His arms loosened, and I turned around to face him, resting my palms on his chest. "How was your day?" I asked him.

"Hectic." Lucas touched his forehead to mine, the tips of our noses touching. The moment itself felt and looked incredibly cheesy, but I was drowning in complete bliss, I didn't really care how corny we were behaving.

"I love you so much," he whispered, slowly fluttering his eyes closed.

"I love you so much, too," I replied wholeheartedly, shutting my eyes.

When our lips met, I lost sight of everything else. I snaked my arms around his neck and linked my fingers on his nape, and I squealed when he pulled me closer to him by my waist.

He kissed me gently at first, but soon the kisses deepened, making my skin prickle all over with different sensations that I didn't have trouble becoming familiar with at all.

I gasped when I felt Lucas's tongue touch mine, but I was so caught up in the euphoria that I didn't think twice when I let him kiss me harder and more passionately.

My whole body felt hot. Literally hot.

Gradually, Lucas scooped me up and carried me to the gray leather couch, neither of us breaking the kiss. I felt his warm hands on my upper arms as I pulled at the collar of his shirt, bringing him closer to me, our kisses growing more intense.

"I think.. we.. should.. stop," Lucas panted,reluctantly removing his lips from mine.

My chest was rising and falling like his. "Y-yes.. I.. I think so ,too," I said breathlessly.

"Really?" His brown eyes twinkled at me.

I slapped his arm. "Ah, seriously, Lucas." I laughed, knowing full well that my face was as tomato-red as my boyfriend's.

"Last one," he said, pecking me on my lips, leaving me in a trance-like state.

We sprung up from the gray couch, then proceeded to transfer the contents of the food containers onto some paper plates which Lucas had stored in his pantry case before we microwaved each homemade dish.

"We should probably eat before anything else happens," Lucas teased while the chicken tenders rotated inside the microwave.

I playfully nudged his elbow with mine. "Very funny."

He raised a skeptic eyebrow at me. "I wasn't joking."

It was kind of hard to tell if he was serious, but I chose to let nature take its course.

Lucas sighed happily, and so did I. We stood close to each other, the two of us eagerly watching the plate of white rice being heated up in the microwave.

I reached for his hand, but he deftly knitted his fingers around mine before I could do it.

"You look beautiful today," he said to me.

"Just today, I guess," I bantered with a weak smile.

"You're beautiful everyday." Lucas tugged at my hand, urging me to look at him. "That's why I tell you that every single day."

Was it possible to feel happier than this?

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