Chapter 10: Distraction

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"Travis hasn't taken his eyes off his phone in one hour," stated Ronald as he placed a couple of twenty-peso bills on the long desk the five of us sat at, but today, Travis had scuttled off to one corner after our morning class ended.

"So?" Alexis, who sat beside me, cocked his head to one side.

Ronald combed his fingers through his blond tresses and grinned at all of us. He declared in a gleeful tone: "First one to make him look up wins the pot."

Travis' brother, Trevor, was already slapping his money onto Ronald's notes.

Why does this feel like gambling? Nevertheless, I added my own cash into the pile.

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" trilled Ronald while happily patting me on my back.

"I'll go first," Trevor announced as he rose from his chair and strode towards his brother, who was totally engrossed in his cellphone.

Being the closest to Travis, I expected him to win the game, but...

"Hey, bro--shit!" Trevor cursed when Travis hurled his pencil case at his brother's stomach.

Well, that escalated quickly.

I glanced at Trevor as he walked away from his brutal sibling, the latter still on his phone.

"How do you feel?" I asked my friend with shaggy black hair who was clutching his tummy.

Trevor answered me with a pained groan. He sank down on his chair, his pride clearly wounded.

"You gotta watch out for the quiet ones."

He smiled, assuring all of us that he was fine.

I gave his shoulder a fond squeeze before I said: "I'll go next."

Upon reaching Travis, busily tapping on his phone's screen, I cleared my throat, attempting to gain his attention but no dice.

"Hey Travis," I called him. Still no beef, but I took on a grave tone. "Did you hear? Ryan Reynolds just died." 

No reaction from him. Three seconds later I regretted my words.

"Oh, God, why did I say that?" My pulse raced with alarming fear, and I hurriedly leaned over to Trevor's wooden desk and knocked on it twice, then another two times, just to be safe.

When I returned to my three contenders, they all lifted an eyebrow at my failed mission.

Alexis gawked at me. "Ryan Reynolds? Seriously, Sophia?"

I made crazy hand gestures. "Everyone loves Ryan Reynolds!" I exclaimed, frustrated with myself. Okay, so maybe Travis wasn't much of a fan, but I know I would be depressed if R.R. passed away.

"Step aside, peasants." Ronald, whom I like to mentally call Ice Bear because his personality reminded me of Ice from We Bare Bears--aloof but friendly--arrogantly straightened his white polo and even made a dramatic fix of his blue necktie, before he marched over to Travis.

While I portray Ronald as Ice Bear, I perceive Travis as Panda: A phone addict, sometimes melodramatic, and he has his moments when he behaves like an adorable dork.


I'm hilarious, why am I still single?

Though my heart beat in pain, I ignored it.

As for Trevor, he strikes me as Grizz: Outgoing. Optimistic. Loves the outdoors and meeting new people. Despite his cursing a lot and green jokes, he's very respectful of everyone, and I appreciate that sincere trait of his.

"He seems rather confident," I whispered conspiratorially to Alexis and Trevor.

Alexis waved a dismissive hand. "That smugness won't last."

Sure enough, the three of us witnessed as Travis, eyes on his phone, grabbed his notebook and swatted Ronald in the face with it, sending him away.

"Okay, man," the blond told Trevor as he sat next to him. "Your brother has violence issues."

Alexis, Trevor, and I burst into gales of mild laughter as Ronald rubbed at his nose.

I nudged Ron's arm with my elbow. Ron and Trevor were seated while Alexis and I remained standing near them.

"What exactly did you say to him?" I asked my blond friend nursing his "battle injury."

Ron grunted and cast me a side glance. "That if he didn't look up from his phone, I would pour my water bottle over his head."

Trevor released a low whistle, his arms folded across his chest. "Treading in dangerous waters, man," he remarked with a sly grin.

"My turn," said Alexis as he pushed himself off the desk he was leaning his butt on.

The three of us watched on, mouths agape, as the young Aussie casually approached Travis.

Alexis stood tall in front of his long-term friend and classmate. His back was facing us, so I couldn't determine what he was saying, especially because he may be speaking in a tiny voice.

Not one minute later, Alexis stepped aside to show us Travis springing up from his chair and sliding his phone into the pocket of his blue slacks.

"What the hell?" Travis exclaimed, making other remaining classmates turn to him in wonder.

Ronald's face was crestfallen. "How did he do it?"

I stifled my giggles, my fingers touching my lips as I watched Ron and Trevor shoot glares at Alexis, who, blank-faced, walked back to us and hoisted his backpack around his shoulders.

Alexis picked up his winnings and flashed us a modest smile. "I told him that there's a huge sale on art supplies at NBS and I would treat him to whatever he wants."

"Damn," sighed Trevor. "Why didn't I think of that?"

Ron shrugged off his defeat.

Behind my eyeglasses, my brown eyes were transfixed on Travis. "You like art?"

A crooked smile spread across his lips as he looked at me. "Yup. I dabble every now and then."

Lucas loves art...

"What was that?" Travis furrowed his brows in confusion.

"N-nothing." Fudge. I spoke my thoughts out loud.

Alexis tapped my shoulder once. I raised my head to meet his polite smile.

"Travis and I will go ahead," he told us.

While Alexis and Travis bid us goodbye, Ronald and Trevor started discussing where we would have lunch. It would be my first time having a meal with them, so I felt a bit happy.

My phone vibrated inside my gray vest pocket. I checked my inbox which showed to unread messages.

From: Spencer

Sop! Where the heck are you? Em and I are at the cafeteria, waiting for you.

I quickly typed a brief response to my good friend, bluffing my way into this situation.

To: Spencer

Is it okay if two more people joined us?

From: Spencer


Raising my chin, I smiled up at Ronald and Trevor. "Hey, guys? Would you mind having lunch with a couple of my close friends?" I asked the two tall boys.

Trevor shrugged his shoulders, which I interpreted as "fine with me" while Ronald nodded his head in silent agreement.

As the three of us headed to the university cafeteria, I looked down at my phone and opened the second text message which I had received from Stacy.

From: Your Beautiful Sister

Sop, meet me outside my dean's office at 2:00. It's important.

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