Chapter 41: Waiting for Him

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It was on a Wednesday morning in late September when it happened.

I met Eric Ortega.

After my last morning class ended, I was striding past a few classrooms when my ears picked up a name that made me halt in my tracks.

"No, you moron. Stacy, not Casey. I'm talking about the blonde model with the smoking body."

I pretended to casually stand outside the almost-empty classroom, looking like an oblivious college student leafing through a binder of activity sheets and lazily scribbled notes.

"Well, what about her? Is she your next target? Aren't you getting tired of this shit, Eric?"

The voice called Eric snorted derisively. "Of course she's my next victim, you dope. She's the hottest girl in Orion. Since when did you care about what I do, Jed? Don't tell me you have a crush on her like every other guy in the university."

"I don't," answered Jed. "I'm interested in her friend, Selena.But seriously man, I think you should stop before things get messy."

"What the hell are you talking about?" snapped Eric, sounding cross.

The one called Jed warned his friend: "What you've been doing for the past three years is wrong and I honestly can't figure out why I let you pull all the stunts to this extent. So far, you haven't been caught, but what do you think Bryce De Los Reyes will do when he catches wind of this bullshit you have in mind?"

"Who the fuck is Bryce De Los Reyes?"

For a moment Jed couldn't speak, but he eventually found his voice again. "Bryce, her suitor? The brown-haired guy who looks kind of American, has been courting her for two months now? Does his name ring any bells? Come on, Eric. He's the rebellious son of billionaire tycoon Brent De Los Reyes. Bryce took up Photography instead of becoming co-CEO of D.L.R. Enterprises---"

"I don't give a rat's ass about who Bryce De Los Reyes is," Eric hissed in a snake-like tone.

Jed sounded like his patience was wearing thin. "Well, if you proceed with your stupid schemes, don't expect me to welcome you with open arms whether or not you get caught. I'm sick of your crappy attitude,Eric.I don't think we should be friends anymore."

"You think I need you? I have tons of friends," Eric spat, hammering out each word.

"Yeah, good luck with your life," said Jed with finality.

I squatted down to the floor, then hastily sprinted away from the classroom, vanishing from their sight before they could spot me.

But all of a sudden, my feet wouldn't move when I reached the bottom of the stairs.It was like my hands carried a mind of their own, and I reached inside my pocket for my phone, punching in the numerical password, my blue eyes meeting a pair of sky blue eyes smiling up at me from the glowing screen.

It was the photo we received from the Jail Booth last year. I wore a red button-down shirt and pants while Stacy was dressed in a white and orange Finding Nemo shirt and denim skirt. Each of our wrists were handcuffed to the other, but we both flashed happy faces at the camera.

I'll make sure she's always safe.

Even if it kills me.


Finally, my shift was over!

When the wall-clock struck 6:30, I hurriedly clocked out, left the counter, then picked up my green backpack before I rushed into the ladies' room of Snack Attack.

Twice The Trouble Book 2 of 2: Twice The LoveWhere stories live. Discover now