Chapter 73: A Past Life

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--Five Years Ago--


"Happy birthday to you.. happy birthday to you.. happy birthday, Dear Vivian.. happy birthday to you!"

"Make a wish, Viv!" urged Archer Graham, the pure American in our group. He was your typical American boy next door: Blond, green-eyed, and outgoing, it was no wonder even the terror teachers quickly warmed up to him.

I wasn't sure if it was just my imagination, but when Archer told Vivian to make a wish, her dark brown eyes seemed to gaze at Lucas a minute too long.

Vivian flicked her dark red hair over her shoulder then said: "I wish the guy I like would accept my feelings," before she blew out her fourteen birthday candles.

On the opposite side of the long white table, Eric Ortega snorted. "Idiot. You're not supposed to say your wish out loud. Now it won't come true." Among the nine of us, he was the athlete; blond, with hazel eyes, a muscular body, and somewhat rude personality, no matter how mean he was to everyone, many girls still swooned over him.

Vivian shot Eric a sardonic look. "I don't need to rely on birthday candles to grant my wishes, Ortega. I don't sit by and wait. I make things happen."

It was a sunny Saturday morning and we were celebrating Vivian's 14th birthday at one of the most scenic parks in Chicago, Illinois. I was born and raised in this town, and when I was ten years old, I met Lucas, who transferred to Riverside High School because of his father's job. We'd been close friends for four years and counting, and when we became high school students, our circle of friends grew until there were nine of us in the gang.

My amber eyes observed the lively environment around me. We had set up a picnic table for this occasion, and the seating arrangement went like this:

Laurence     Felicia     Vivian     Lucas     Me (Courtney)

Vivien          Archer      Eric          Felicity

Felicity smiled around the table. "Should we eat cake first or give the birthday girl her presents?"

Vivian's brown eyes lit up. "The gifts, definitely."

One by one, we gave Vivian our presents. We each got her something we knew she would like: Bags, shoes, perfume, makeup, clothes, hair accessories, and books about codes, programming, and computers (she plans to take up Information Technology when she enters college).

The last person to give her a present was Lucas, and when Vivian tore open the simple wrapper, she squealed in delight. "The new Dior lipstick shade!" She beamed down at the glittering set of three tubes of lipstick which contained the same color.

Vivian threw her arms around Lucas's shoulders then kissed him on his cheek. "Thank you, Lucas!" Lucas blinked in surprise, but he awkwardly smiled and kept silent.

Reluctantly, I gauged everyone's reaction. Laurence grimaced. Felicity scowled. Archer frowned. Eric clenched his jaw, saying: "It's not that great."

I tried to understand why my friends wore their dark expressions: Laurence seemed to have a crush on Vivian, but it looked like Vivian liked Lucas.Felicity's disapproving glare made me think that she and Vivian shared the same sentiments.

And seeing Felicity upset over the kiss was perhaps because he held romantic feelings for Felicity. As for Eric.. I wasn't sure if he was crushing on Vivian because he flirted with anyone wearing a skirt, but maybe he was jealous of Lucas getting more attention from a pretty girl? He'd always been egotistic like that.

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