Chapter 4: Once A Rival

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"What the hell are you two doing here?" I demanded.

Before I could even finish my irate question, the two brothers were already making themselves comfortable, plopping down on the two blue chairs across us.

This is how the seating arrangement looks:

Me Sophia Liam

Bryce         Lucas

An annoying gleam danced in Bryce's deep blue eyes as he showed me his infamous smirk. Ugh. Could he at LEAST try to be slightly ugly? If anything, his features became more well-defined in the past six months. His sleek brown hair still stayed bouncy as ever, his jaw was like chiseled art, his shoulders turned broader, and even in his school uniform of white polo and blue slacks, he was undeniably one of the handsomest males in Orion University.

Those damn eyes.. every time I look into them, I feel like I'm staring into two oceanic orbs.

"Done feasting your eyes over me?" His smirk never left his face. "Did you block another door with your big head again, Sta. Ana? That's probably why you forgot.. my brother and I have been attending this college since freshman year." He leaned back in his chair and casually sighed.

I gritted my teeth at his sly comment. I still hold a grudge over what he did almost two years ago, when I was still a freshman and he had swung open a classroom door onto my head, effectively, and painfully banging the hard wooden panel against my scalp, jiggling my cranium.

He never apologized for it.

I scoffed at him.

Currently, Liam and Sophia are not present at the table---they had stood up and went over to get our food orders.

My ice-colored eyes swiveled over to the black-haired, brown-eye teenager sitting next to Bryce.

Lucas's arms were folded on the blue square table and he wore a poker face as he stared ahead, but try as he might, I knew what he was truly feeling inside.

His chocolate eyes were fixated on a pretty, bespectacled brunette in her standard uniform of white polo, gray vest,and navy blue pencil skirt. The girl with long brown hair was standing in one of the long lines of the cafeteria, and she was merrily chuckling to something her blond male friend had said to her.

For the first time in my nineteen years of existence, I have no idea what my twin sister is thinking. Was she pretending not to notice Lucas's heavy stares? Or was she genuinely oblivious to his inner turmoil? I can't stand not knowing. I better settle this when Sophia and I go home later.

If Lucas doesn't make a move soon, other guys will snatch up my twin from his grasp.

The Sta. Ana sisters are great catches so he should be quick to take the initiative.


June 14, 2017. Wednesday Morning.

Literal new heart.

But the world remains the same.

The sky is blue. The grass is green. And students everywhere are meeting deadlines.

Despite being blessed with a big, loving family, high grades, and loyal friends, and a super cute beagle at home, I still want more.

As usual, Stacy is right. Every now and then, she would remind me that it is part of human nature to be greedy, to desire excessive pleasures in life.

I rose from my chair and caught my professor's attention. I respectfully excused myself to the ladies' room.

White tiles. White walls. Midnight blue cubicle doors.A loud exhale slipped out of my throat as both my hands gripped the sides of the bone-colored sink, my fingers curling over it.

Twice The Trouble Book 2 of 2: Twice The LoveWhere stories live. Discover now