Chapter 2: Life Is Unfair

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*Three Years Ago*

We are finally in our third year of college!

It is early June. The sky is clear and bright blue, the sun is shining upon everyone within its proximity, and Orion University remains the same as ever: Huge, grand, and sophisticated, with blue and white marble buildings, aromatic trees and soil, the campus grounds teeming with active students from freshmen to seniors---all the girls in white polo shirts, blue vests, charcoal gray pencil skirts and black heels whilst the guys also wore short-sleeved polo tees but paired with narrow cerulean ties and matching slacks and black shoes.

To my pleasant surprise, the air smells fresh and enticing---we live in the Philippines, after all---so I raised my chin and inhaled the mixed scent of green leaves and tree barks.

"Okay, Ace. That's enough basking in the sunlight. You're starting to freak out the other students."

The playful comment came from none other than my nineteen-year-old twin sister, Sophia Ann Sta. Ana, the top student of Orion University. She is an asset to the school not only because of her remarkable brain, but also due to her good looks. She's got brain and beauty. What more could anyone else ask for? Long wavy brown hair, full lashes, dark brown eyes, rosy cheeks, plump lips, small waist, and bashful charms.

Lucas should indeed be grateful to me for setting him up with my awesome sister.

Except that boy was slower than a turtle stuck in molasses. What the hell has he been doing for the past week?! It's been that long since Sophia and I turned 19, and on that same day, everyone had witnessed their first kiss as an unofficial couple.

"You're frowning," Sophia observed. She looped her arm around mine and led me to a tall white marble building where several students were ascending the staircase at a frazzled speed.

I pouted my pink lips. "Of course I am. SOME people are taking too long to make a move."

My brunette sister lifted her eyebrow at me. "It's a novelty to see you refer to yourself in the third person, Ace."

"You know what I meant!" I nudged my elbow with hers.

Sophia laughed heartily, bringing a smile to my pretty face. A wave of relief washed over me, seeing her like that---happy and relaxed. It has been six months since she underwent heart surgery, and Thank God nothing wrong occurred during the meticulous operation.

All of a sudden,I became fully aware of our surroundings: Fellow college students hustling and bustling along the corridors, but as they caught sight of me and my bespectacled twin, they slowed down their pace, not bothering to be discreet with their stares and whispers.

"I heard she was rushed to the hospital because she fainted at the mall."

They were talking about Sophia's cardio surgery last year. I felt my jaw clench.

"And that blonde one?"

"Someone told me she was secretly a prostitute and the police just lied about the case."

What the fuck? Gossips never change. No matter what you say, they'll only stick to what they want to believe because baseless rumors are more interesting.

In high school, I was raped after some bastard drugged me. And last year, when I was still a college sophomore and I had unintentionally fled to an unfamiliar neighborhood, four guys who also attended Orion University had chloroformed me and chained me to a bed.. and.. and..

"Damn it," I cussed beneath my breath. My heart was beating fast with barely suppressed anger.

"Let's just ignore them," mumbled Sophia before she placed her palm on my back, gently pushing me forward.

More not-so-subtle whispers and murmurs ensued even as we quietly walked towards my building--the Fine Arts building, because I'm a Fashion Design Major.

"She's such a drama queen."

"I know. I bet SHE was the one who lured in those guys to sleep with her."

"Can you blame them for succumbing to her sexual needs? She IS sexy, after all."

"My cousin used to share one class in her back in high school, and he told me she didn't waste any time with every boy in Pines Academy. I guess a girl like her is easy. Should I ask her out?"

I felt Sophia grip my arm but I shrugged her off and I rounded on the person who said that.

According to his ID, he's an upperclassman. A tall college senior with slick black hair, a pair of hazel almond-shaped eyes, and a perverted glint in his eyes as he leered at me.

My sky blue eyes narrowed at him. "I wouldn't date you even if my life depended on it."

Some passersby chuckled at my remark.Then,before the asshole could shoot a reply, I grabbed my sister's wrist and pulled her away from the scene.

"Great. Just great," I hissed to myself while dragging my brown-haired twin from the crowd.

The second I had set foot into this university almost two years ago, I had once again become the object of ridicule. My history in high school would forever plague me wherever I go. Why were people so damn fascinated by my life? Can't they mind their own stupid business?

"Stacy, breathe." I hadn't noticed my sibling had already broken free from my grasp.

I inhaled, then exhaled,taming my fiery temper as Sophia reached up and cradled both my soft cheeks in her warm hands, her gentle brown eyes watching me with concern from behind her oval eyeglasses.

"Yes, I'm fine," I said, letting out a sigh. I then hooked my thumbs under the handles of my simple pink backpack. We were already standing in front of the tall white marble building: Fine Arts Hall.

My sister gave me a quick hug, and when she pulled away from me, she wore a cheery smile. "I'll see you at lunch, okay?"

Nodding my head, I donned a perfunctory smile to appease her. "Okay."

Everything will be fine with Sophia around. As always.

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