Chapter 34: Three's A Crowd

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"I don't understand!" I cried into my black phone.

From the other end of the line, I heard Liam chuckle gaily. "You always were horrible with directions."

I frowned. "I wish you offered to fetch me at the bakery instead of sending me on this labyrinth chase!"

"Wild goose chase,Sop. It's called a wild goose chase. You're such a writer sometimes."

Pressing my phone closer to my right ear, I twirled around, glancing left and right at the unfamiliar street names, at the different shops and buildings.

I whispered into the receiver. "Li, people are gaping at me like I'm a nut!"

"You are a nut," he said, conveying zero sympathy to my plight. "You're probably standing in the middle of the street while shouting into your phone. Am I correct?" he surmised.

"Uh, no," I denied, swiftly scuttling over to a mailbox below a closed lamppost.

"How come you got lost so easily?" Liam asked in disbelief. "I texted you directions."

"It's confusing!"


Liam suddenly asked: "You saw a dog and followed it, didn't you?"

"No I didn't," I lied.

I heard my best guy friend exhale a sigh. "Maybe you should ask for help."

"But.." I chewed on my bottom lip,feeling anxious. "Everyone here looks sort of shady."

"Sop, what happened to never judging a book by its cover?" he chastised me.

"What if the book has a knife between the pages?"

"Sop, trusting new people is part of growth. You can't avoid being betrayed by someone because that's how life works. You shouldn't be afraid of getting hurt. You should only fear God."

"That's really profound, Li." I blew out some air. "Yeah, okay. I'll get some help. Bye, Li."

"Wait," he called, halting me from ending the call. "Why were you upset the other day?"

I nervously tucked a strand of brown hair behind my ear. "Laurence, one of my co-workers, told me that I wasn't pretty or attractive."

"And why does his opinion bother you?" Liam sounded curious.

"Because he made me feel like I wasn't good enough to be Lucas's girlfriend. Or anyone's girlfriend." A short beat of silence fell. "Li,  do you think I'm pretty?"

"Of course I do, but I can't help but be subjective here, Sop. I used to be hopelessly in love with you so I can't give you an objective answer." He laughed softly.

"Liam!" I barked.

"Alright, how about this? Lucas is your boyfriend. He loves you and you love him, so shouldn't his opinion be the one that matters to you the most?"

"Well.. yes," I admitted, curling my fingers over the lukewarm lamppost.

"And how does Lucas see you?" he coaxed.

"He.." I blushed at the memory. "He always tells me I'm beautiful."

"Are you still feeling blue?"

I placed my free palm on my fast beating heart. "No, Li. I'm good now. Thanks."

"I'm happy to hear that." Liam's voice grew serious. "Now hurry up because we agreed to meet up at 10."

"Yes, dad." I laughed before ending the call.

Twice The Trouble Book 2 of 2: Twice The LoveWhere stories live. Discover now