Chapter 16: Sweetness

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"Hello, boyfriend."

I smiled widely at the tall 19-year-old standing outside the entrance of SM Manila. He looked so handsome in his green button-down with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He paired his shirt with inky blue pants. His tousled black hair eternally added to his boyish charm. His soft brown eyes twinkled at me while he held a single, long-stemmed red rose in between his fingers.

Lucas mirrored my blissful smile. "Hello, girlfriend." Hearing him say that made my heart do multiple somersaults. Dorks that we are, Lucas and I had agreed to address each other that way for a couple of weeks until it felt too embarrassing. But if we like it after a month, why change it?

"You look beautiful," he told me, pecking me on my cheek.

My face flamed red, not in mortification but in giddiness.I messed up my closet just looking for the right set of clothes that I hoped he would deem appealing: I wore a plain white shirt, yellow cardigan, faded jeans, and practical sneakers. Hey, my feet deserve utmost comfort.

Instead of my usual high ponytail, I donned my long brown tresses in a low braid swept to one side of my neck. I thought I looked stylish in a professional way, but also dynamic.

"Thank you," I said.

"You two are disgusting," remarked Bryce, his brown mane unkempt but alluring. He sported a simple pink polo with the cuffs rolled back, a pair of pitch black pants, and a gorgeous arrangement of red stargazers in his arms.

Stacy, my own flesh and blood, sided with her future boyfriend. "For once, I agree with him. Sop, I truly am happy for you, but you're holding up the line," she pointed out, pertaining to the long, unorganized cue of mall-goers piling into the only front entrance of the popular mall.

I quietly smiled at my twin sister's impeccable appearance. She wore her golden hair down, curly tendrils framing her lovely face, giving attention to her bright blue eyes and cupid's bow lips. Her pink tank top--same shade as her headband--clung to the sinful curves of her thin waist. Over her top was a charcoal gray blazer, and she completed the outfit with black skinny jeans and white ballet flats.

After fifteen minutes of struggle, we reached the second floor.


Hah. I'm always right.

"What did I tell you?" I smirked at my bespectacled sister across the table.

Sophia rolled her eyes heavenward. "That we wouldn't have any detours."

The four of us headed straight to Jolly Bee after the smooth transaction of our general orientation. Our boss, Sir Mejia, gave us each three sets of uniforms, and he informed us that we would be working with two more employees our age. We weren't able to meet them today because their Saturday schedules had allowed them to make it to the morning session.

"Fry?" I picked one up from my pile and proffered it to Bryce, who is seated to my right.

He nodded and dipped forward, chomping on the long salty snack in one bite.

Click Click Click

"Sop, what are you doing?"

My brunette sibling aimed a teasing smile at me. "Taking pictures," she said, still holding up her glossy black phone.

Click Click Click

I craned to my right and caught Bryce making poses for the camera.

I smacked his shoulder.

"What?" he batted his eyes at me, all innocent-like.

I muttered so he wouldn't hear: "Thank God you're adorable."

"Come again?" His dark blue eyes shone mischievously at me.

"Nothing. Fry?" I wiggled another french fry in front of his handsome mouth.

Click Click C-- "Hey." I jumped when Lucas put his fingers on the top of my phone, gingerly lowering the device to my lap.

He was so close, I could see my reflection in his brown eyes. I felt a pleasant shiver when his fingers gently cupped my chin, and he leaned close, his lips laying a light kiss on my forehead.

"Let's snap some photos of us, Ya." He fished out his own black phone and set it on Camera mode.

I giggled. "Ya," I agreed, savoring the way he said his special endearment for me."Ya" from Sophia.

Click Click Click

"Stacy??" I stared at more than one phone trained on me and Lucas. "You too, Bryce??" I cried out.

They burst into peals of laughter.

Click Click Click

"Use this filter.." Stacy inched closer to Bryce, who was glad to be with the girl he loves.

That's right. I know how he feels. I think everyone knows, including my sister.

I'm certain her noble patience exists for a good reason. She's waiting for the right time.

And I felt genuinely relieved to see that Bryce is more than willing to wait for her.

Lucas took a sip of his iced tea before setting down his cold glass and eyeing me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked him after I finished my sundae.

"I'm just happy," he answered. "And I was thinking.. maybe I can give you a ride to and from work from now on?"

I didn't think it was possible to feel even luckier to be the girlfriend of the sweetest guy alive.

"Only if you're not busy," I told him. "Focus on your academics, okay?"

He reached for my hand on the table. "I will," he said, squeezing my hand.

"Speaking of which," I suddenly uttered. "Have you missed any schoolwork for the past two weeks?" I asked him.

"Not much.." his voice trailed off, his brown eyes avoiding mine.

I squinted. "Would you mind if I dropped by the mansion and help out?"

"Actually.." his tone was tentative, plaintive. "I'm also gonna move to a new place."

"You are?" I cocked my head to one side.

Lucas nodded and said: "Yeah, my original plan was to share a building with Bryce but there were no more available units there in Mayfair Residences, but a neighboring condominium within walking distance, Fort Towers, had plenty of vacant condos, so I bought one."

"When are you settling in?" I inquired.

"Next week," he told me. "But I'm not having a warming party like Bryce."

I frowned slightly. "Why?"

Lucas gave me a stare that made my stomach flip. "Your compliment is all I need."

I placed a palm on his cheek and playfully pushed his face away. "Stop, I'm blushing.."

"I think it's cute when you're flustered." His gently lips kissed the back of my hand.

"Thank you, boyfriend," I said, letting his arm wrap around my shoulders.

Twice The Trouble Book 2 of 2: Twice The LoveWhere stories live. Discover now