Chapter 61: Web of Lies

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I knew what I saw shouldn't bother me. Deep down, I knew Sophia wasn't interested in Liam, but once I got to my apartment, I found myself dwelling on the scene I had witnessed.

Even when I'd asked Sophia whether anything unusual had happened that day, she'd said no, telling me that she spent the afternoon at the library. While I could have questioned her further about the lie, I didn't see the need.

She had been thrilled by the flowers and kissed me immediately after I'd handed them over. I had searched for anything different about the kiss--whether it was hesitant or lingered too long, as if compensating for guilt--but hadn't sensed anything amiss. Nor was there anything unusual about our conversation over dinner ,or when she kissed me goodbye afterwards.

Even so, I couldn't forget the image of Sophia holding Liam's hand. The more I thought about it, the more I realized they looked like a couple, but I reminded myself that it didn't make sense. Liam and Sophia couldn't be seeing each other secretly. The former was dating Vivien Aguilar, the architect major, as Sophia mentioned once or twice.

I couldn't force myself to believe that Sophia spent a single moment dreaming of what might have been between her and Liam had I never come along. She'd told me that Liam had been in love with her since freshman year in high school but he had moved on and it was all in the past.

Sophia had always resisted further development in her relationship with Liam, and I couldn't imagine that she would change her mind now. Yes, she'd been holding his hand, but that didn't necessarily mean she was feeling any differently towards him.

It could have been a sign of affection or support or just a way to show that she was listening to him as he spilled out his troubles. In a relationship like Liam and Sophia's, it could have been a gesture of comfort, since they'd known each other for years. It wasn't as if I should expect Sophia to start ignoring people she'd known all her life, right? Or stop caring about other people?Weren't those the reasons I'd fallen in love with her in the first place?Of course they were.

Sophia had a way of making everyone she spent time with feel as if they were the center of the world, and though that included Liam, it didn't mean she was in love with him. Which meant, of course, that there was nothing to worry about.

So why on earth was I still thinking about it? And why, when I saw them, had I felt a stab of jealousy?

Because she'd lied about it. A lie of omission, perhaps, but a lie nonetheless.

The next day,after school let out,I gave Sophia a ride to Snack Attack. I stayed for lunch, then afterwards, I kissed her forehead and promised her I would fetch her at seven for a dinner date.

As I drove in the direction of my apartment building, I thought about my girlfriend again. We were doing just fine, weren't we? I mentally chided myself for my suspicion, vowing to make it up to her somehow. I nodded to myself. A special night was just what we needed. I'd even buy her another bouquet of flowers, and when I arrived at my place, I spent a good twenty minutes on the internet, trying to choose a great restaurant to go to.

I found one, called Stacy to see if she'd heard of it--she recommended it with gusto--then I made reservations before taking a shower and climbing into what I deemed were handsome clothes: Dark blue button-down, leaving the first two buttons open, then rolling the sleeves up to my elbows. I teamed the shirt with faded pants and polished brown shoes.

By 7:30, I was pulling up a chair for my beautiful girlfriend: She looked breathtaking with her eyeglasses on, her long wavy brown hair cascading over her shoulders, and though neither of us mentioned it, I noted that she was wearing a new dress for the evening--A strapless lilac dress with a skirt that fell below her knees. On the side of her waist were three small champagne-colored roses, and her heels were a calm shade of taupe.

Twice The Trouble Book 2 of 2: Twice The LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora