Chapter 18: Lunch Date

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Two weeks have passed since Stacy and I began to work at Snack Attack, and so far, it has been fairly normal, as far as working students live.

School in the morning. Rushing to the mall afterwards. Clocking out in the afternoon. Heading home for dinner and homework.

Lucas has been the perfect--no--ideal boyfriend. He has his flaws, as everyone does, but he promised to make up for lost time, what with him balancing academics and corporate training.

I was no expert in relationships but I knew enough to be a patient and understanding girlfriend.

Now it's the second week of July which means---My first paycheck!

Saturday the 15th.

"How does it feel, Sop?" asked my pretty blonde sister as we exited the crowded mall.

My brown eyes lingered on the piece of paper in my hand. "Weird," I admitted slowly.

We said in unison: "But a good weird."

The two of us glanced at each other before we burst into hearty laughter.

My phone bleeped just as we boarded the smokey jeep. Good thing my twin and I were both wearing prudent jeans. Stacy was often harassed whenever she dressed in skirts. I had nothing against her style of clothing, but some people took it as a Go signal, which bothered me.

"I know what you're thinking." My fair-haired sibling's voice dragged me out of my grim thoughts. Her sky blue eyes locked on my brown ones after she paid our jeep fare.

"You always do," I replied before I rested my head on her pink-clad shoulder. Then I checked my messages.

From: Lucas the Doughnut

Have you eaten lunch yet? I'm at Sentimental Sweets right now.

I bit my bottom lip, suppressing an excited squeal, tapping my phone on my chin.

Suddenly I wanted the jeep to move faster. I can't explain it. I see Lucas almost everyday but I still miss him so easily.

His voice, his smile, his laugh, those baby brown eyes.. everything about him just made me smile.

I felt Stacy release a somber sigh, her shoulders rising and falling. Without looking at her, I spoke. "Ace?"

"It's nothing," she answered instantly, then backtracked. "Nope, that was a lie. You and I both know I have a problem. Well, not really a problem, but..." she trailed off, breathing heavily.

"Alright, give it," I ordered, to which she quietly handed me her white phone.

I swiped through my sister's photo gallery, inwardly thrilled to see that she had been looking through pictures of Bryce and his newly acquired condo, which we visited a few weeks ago.

Upon closer inspection, I realized half of the images were candid shots of Bryce.

"I hate feeling clingy," confessed my model-gorgeous blonde sister.

"This isn't clingy," I reprimanded her. "It's.. sweet."

Stacy retrieved her phone from me, her gaze settling on the screen. "He's not even my boyfriend," she muttered in a sullen tone.

"Yet," I added. "But.. he's courting you.. right?"

When Stacy shook her head no, I scowled.

Fifteen minutes later, we arrived in front of Sentimental Sweets, our family bakery, the most famous and successful confectionery in Quezon City.

"Maybe.." I was treading on eggshells here. "You should initiate the first move?"

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