Chapter 20: Choices

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Friday morning in late July found me in the Orion Arrow Club Room, the office of Orion University's efficient magazine production team, of which I served as Editor in Chief.

A knock on the wooden door made me look up from my white keyboard.

My brown eyes squinted behind my oval eyeglasses. "Lucas?"

The tall, black-haired 19-year-old male flashed me a warm smile from the doorway.

"Special delivery for my wonderful girlfriend," he declared cheerfully, holding up a brown paper bag while bustling into the cold and spacious club room, papers and computers scattered everywhere.

Lucas took a seat on the swivel chair next to mine before placing the brown bag on the space between our white keyboards.

My thoughts were still cluttered so I couldn't react properly when my boyfriend kissed my cheek before he started to rummage through the brown paper bag, which, evidently, contained two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and two sealed cups of orange juice.

"What.." I stared at Lucas. "Hi?" I squeaked, my voice all weird and high-pitched.

He chuckled softly, then he raised one of the sandwiches to my dry lips. "You need to eat."

I blinked at my boyfriend for one second,and when he drew the sandwich closer to my mouth, I inched forward and took a big bite out of it, chewing slowly, savoring the taste and the moment.

"How did you know I was here?" I asked him after I swallowed.

A sheepish grin crept onto his boyish face. "I was planning to surprise you outside your last classroom but you weren't there," he replied, chomping a little on his own sandwich. When he gulped down the bread, he continued. "I kind of took a gamble that you'd be here."

Right. Our last professor was sick and there was no substitute, much to my classmates' obvious jubilation. Alexis and the guys immediately dashed to the mall to goof around. They had invited me but I ruefully told them I needed to catch some deadlines for the campus magazine.

As always, they were understanding and let me be. I love those buffoons and their antics.

"So." Lucas's voice dragged me out of my thought bubble. "What's your piece about?"

I gave him a little smile. "Same old, same old. Club activities, upcoming games.. actually, I just finished when you arrived." I glanced at my computer screen, saved my file, and turned it off.

"I'm glad to hear that," said my caring boyfriend, playfully spinning in his swivel chair.

My lips twitched in amusement. "And why so?" I asked him.

Lucas stopped spinning and  rose from his seat, then offered me his hand. "I was wondering if I could give you a ride to work today?" His phone rang mid-question, making him frown.

I nodded quietly when Lucas gestured to his ringing phone, which he answered in the doorway.

"The Gary Paxton Agreement?" he sternly asked with his back facing me. Oh, wow. I'd never heard him like that before. Serious and intimidating. In that instant, I was reminded that I was dating the future CEO of the omnipotent De Los Reyes Empire, one of the most affluent businesses in Asia.

"Yes, I've got the paperwork.. Sanderson wants to meet in an hour?" Lucas suddenly looked at me and he smiled, but I could see the tension in his brown eyes. He turned his back on me again before speaking into his phone's receiver, his voice lowered but audible. "I'll be there."

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