#6 Romeo and Juliet

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"Heyyy where is Juliet???" 

I heard one of my classmates while I was running towards our classroom.

"Guys sorry I'm late"

 I was trying to catch my breath as they gave me a death glare.

"Just get yourself in your dress you slowpoke"

 One of my classmates told me.

"Y/n you know that you need this roleplay for you to graduate but I think you are not taking it seriously" 

Our teacher said to me while giving me a serious and worried look.

"I'm sorry ma'am but I'm really taking it seriously" 

I answered as I took the dress that I was supposed to wear.

Aishh if only my little brother didn't get involved in that stupid fight then I won't be late, aishhh so annoying.

I was now walking to the girls comfort room to change into my costume, today is our final activity and we all need to participate, It was a roleplay and we got Romeo and Juliet, sadly I'm not one of those nerds in those love stories, I just look like a nerd but I don't have the brains of a nerd.

Our teacher said I need to take the main lead of our roleplay for me to pass and graduate highschool, hmpp such a sad life isn't it??

I was looking at the ground when a guy suddenly bumped into me.


Words I said as I looked at the tall guy who was just looking at me.

"next time can you please look straight and not a like a person who just finished taking illegal drugs, ok?" 

I said as he walked passed by me without even saying sorry, tsk so rude, he even said that I was taking illegal drugsss???!!!! I know I'm not pretty but I don't take drugs..

I wore the dress and it literally seems so fit and I can barely breath.

As I was walking along the corridor I can see my co-students laughing and making fun of me.

Tsk I know that the Juliet role doesn't suit me I know it already no need to slap the reality in my face.

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