#38 Medicine

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Soonyoung's POV:

"No!! I'm not sick!!"

She whined as she was trying to escape, actually we've been running around for quite a moment right now, aish, why is this kid so hard headed?? She just needs to drink her medicine and everything will be alright.

"But y/n you should drink this so that you can feel better"

I tried my best to make her drink her medicine but she really doesn't want to.

"No Oppa it tastes so bitter and I hate everything that's bitter"

She pouted as she was on the other side of the table while panting a bit.

"But you need to"

She was giving tantrums just like a little kid, I tried to hide my smile knowing that she might think that I'm just joking around.

"What will you do if I drink that medicine oppa?"

"I'll buy you anything that you want"

I gave her a smile and she paused for a moment before she spoke again

"Uhm, how about a Carat Bong Oppa?"

I frowned at her request, if I was already working I'll immediately buy her a Carat Bong but I'm not even working yet.

"How about Ice cream?"

Now she frowned at me and I smiled sheepishly at her.

But instead of answering she ran towards the stairs and she went inside her room, why did I even agree to take care of our neighbor's sick daughter, and to be honest she doesn't seem to be sick at all.

Why does her parents had an important business meeting overseas, aish.

I went upstairs and I stood infront of her door, I knocked before I called her.

"y/n your parents told me to take care of you, so please listen to me"

I didn't hear an answer, I slowly turned the doorknob and to my surprise it wasn't locked I opened the door and I saw her lying on her bed while covering her self with the bedsheet, I walked towards and I sat beside her, I slowly pulled the bedsheet and I saw her face, her eyes closed, I don't know if she is asleep or she's just faking it.

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