#62 13 things to do before I die (pt. 7)

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Jihoon's POV:

I was busy watching the most annoying and noisy trio in school, and I know that you already know who I am referring to?

"Seokmin! Catch"

Seungkwan threw something while Seokmin catched it, and after looking the three of them burst into laughter while holding their stomach, we really need to find those missing screws in their head as soon as possible.

We were staying outside because it was our PE class and because I really don't like any physical activities I am sitting under a shady tree while I just watched my classmates, but one thing caught my attention, y/n was also sitting under another tree while she cheered for our classmates who were playing, this is odd, she loves to play and for what I remember PE is her favorite subject but why is she just sitting there?

"Jihoon-ah what are you looking at?"

And here's one of the three idiots taking a seat beside me, I just rolled my eyes to show my annoyance.


If he is here maybe his other friends might follow them and they will be so noisy again, argh and I don't like noisy stuffs.

"You're looking at y/n"

I'm really going to hit Soonyoung's head if he doesn't shut up, but even if I was already glaring at him, he just continued to look at me teasingly.

"You know yet you're still asking a question?"

His teasing smile suddenly vanished as a deep sighed followed.

"You must be curious on why she isn't playing right?"

Is he a mind reader? I know that Soonyoung and y/n are close, maybe he knows something?

"Just make sure that you won't give her a hard time like what you always do to us"

I glared at him, and when did I ever give them a hard time? I'm so nice? Maybe?

"She deserves to be happy"

He sighed deeply before he took a glance at y/n and I just followed his gaze.

"That friend of mine deserves to be happy"

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