#52 13 things to do before I die (pt.2)

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(13 things to do before I die)(pt.2)


Your POV:

Since my talk with Seungcheol oppa, I decided that if the doctor is really telling the truth that I'm dying then I should do the things that I want, and the first one was to see him cry, well he said that he wasn't crying, that some dusts were in his eyes.

A smile crept on my lips as I remembered how Seungcheol oppa looked like when he kept on insisting that he didn't cry.


I heard my mom calling my name, so I just finished combing my hair before I headed down.

"Yes, mom?"

I saw her at our living room while cutting the stems of her bonsai plant, she smiled at me before she lifted her plant and she approached me.

"What do you think?"

I smiled at her before I took a glance at the cute bonsai plant.

"It looks so cute mom"

She smiled again before she looked at me from head to toe, while her eyes furrowed.

"Are you going somewhere?"

She asked before she placed the bonsai tree beside the table.

"Yes mom"

I can now see the worries in her eyes so I gave her a reassuring smile.

"Are you sure that you can go on your own? I can go with you if you want"

My mom was about to go upstairs but I stopped her by holding her hand, she turned her head towards my direction while I smiled at her.

"No need to worry mom, I'll make sure that nothing bad will happen"

I can see the doubt in her eyes, but she eventually nodded.

With my mom's permission, I left our house, I need to meet with someone, I know that I should have meet with him a long time ago, but I guess it's better than not, I should have a talk with him before I die.

When I reached the park where our meeting place is, I can't help but to look around, a lot of things changed, from the landscapes, the trees and even the playground, but my memories in this place are still the same.

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