#16 Our Princess (pt. 2)

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Y/n's POV:

"But father please let me go!!"

I pleaded, I was now inside my room and my father was still furious he was still forcing me to end my relationship with Minghao

"Stop already y/n the day you were born we already decided who you will marry"

I knew it, they don't want me to be with Minghao because from the very start they already decided what my fate will be

"But I should be the one to choose the person that I should love"

I was now kneeling infront of him, begging him to let me love the person that I really love

"You are the princess of our kingdom yet you don't act like one and worst you want to marry someone from a family who cannot help you in ruling over our kingdom"

I don't care even if Minghao is from a poor family, I love him because of who he is, I don't want to end up like my mom who isn't happy because she was forced to marry my father

"Stay here inside your room until your senses come back"

And with those words he walked away and went outside my room and he closed the door, I followed him, I need to go to Minghao, I won't forgive myself if something bad happens to him

But when I tried to open the door, it was closed shut, I cannot open it, father must've placed something heavy on the other side


I was waiting for someone to open the door but they only gave me a respond

"We're sorry princess y/n but the king ordered us to keep you inside"

I knees felt weak as I fell on the floor, tears began to flow down my eyes, I can't just stay here, they might be hurting Minghao, I banged the door even though I know it was no use I really need to go to Minghao

"Stop trying princess even if you were able to break the door we won't let you out"

"Seungcheol!!!! Open the door!!!"

"I'm sorry princess we are just following the orders of the king"

Seungcheol is right he is just following orders I shouldn't be mad at him but he is one of Minghao's friends how could they do this knowing that Minghao's life might already be in danger

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