#88 Revenge

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Your POV:

I'm one of the luckiest girls on earth...


Because I have a best friend Kim Mingyu who's always there for me, and I also have such a caring and loving boyfriend Jeon Wonwoo.

"y/n, are you going on a date today?"

Mingyu asked, it was early in the morning and he is now sitting on top of my bed while eating the chips I bought yesterday, I glared at him while he just laughed like a total idiot.

"Yah I'm not against your date so relax, will you?"

He said while I frowned, I wasn't glaring at him because he asked about my date, I was glaring at him because of he took my chips -_-

"Fine Mr. Kim whatever you say"

I said sarcastically which made him laugh again, I want to stuff his mouth with those chips, I don't get it why he teases me every time I go on a date, like it's not my first time anyways I've been dating Wonwoo for almost a year now.

"Enjoy your date y/n, be home before 10!!!"

Geez fine, walked towards the door of my room as I went out Mingyu just waved like a little kid before I finally closed the door, I can't help but to smile, Mingyu is such a nice guy, even my parents likes his presence, like he can even go inside my room that's how much my parents love him! I'm so lucky that I have a best friend who's like a brother to me.

When I reached the gate of our house, I saw Wonwoo's car parked outside as he was waiting for me, he gave me a smile while I can't help but to smile back at him, gosh Wonwoo really knows how to make me fall in love with him even more.

"y/n you look so pretty"

He said making my heart beat like crazy as my cheeks turned into a tomato, he just laughed before he pinched my cheeks, I jokingly hit his shoulder making him run away, tell my why did I love someone who SOMETIMES acts like a kid? But it's better than someone who ALWAYS thinks like a kid, right?

After running like a bunch of kids Wonwoo and I went on our way, I have to say that it was really fun today, we watched a movie, we ate a lot of foods, we went to a bookstore and we bought a lot of books and many more.

Now it's almost 7 in the evening and we're heading to the park where we would usually spend our time together, this has become a very special place to me, because whenever I am here, I'm with Wonwoo.

"Wonwoo yah!!! Look at the stars!!!"

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