#12 Rich Liar

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"Oh what flavor are you gonna order sir?"

Normal question that I will ask to every costumer that will enter this coffee shop.

Meeting a lot of new people everyday isn't something that is that bad, sometimes there are costumers that are funny, perfectionist and also rich kids who keeps on acting superior pft so annoying.

"Ma'am 17 orders of Americano"

(Hindi pwedeng koryano?).

"Ok sir"

This is my daily life preparing coffee for our costumers, to be honest I don't hate this job actually I really want to learn how to make different types of coffee but sadly I cannot attend school so I guess I will just stay in this coffee shop.

"Hey y/n look at him"

One of my workmates said as she pointed a guy who just entered and he was now heading towards us.

He looks so handsome, I know him by face he is a regular customer here but I don't know his name.

As I finished the order of our first customer I approached him to get his order.

"How about you sir?"

I asked him and he smiled, I looked at my back direction trying to find something or someone he is smiling to, but I am the only here in this direction

"1 order of cappuccino"

I prepared his coffee and as I gave it to him he was still smiling at me and I felt conscious when I don't really care about my looks.

"What's your name?"

I was shocked because of this stranger's sudden question.

"Ah ahm ah y/n sir"

"Oww hi y/n nice to meet you my name is Seokmin"

This stranger introduced himself while I'm still staring at his face.

"Seokmin hyung you pabo, she has a name tag"

Oh yes I remember every employee has a name tag then why did he asked my name?

"Oh Chan stop ruining my moment aishh this kid seriously"

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