#18 Fairy

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Chan's POV:

"So you mean you saved me from being hit by a truck because you are a fairy?"

The girl infront of me nodded as she smiled which made me cringed

I took my phone out of my pocket as I dialed a number, I placed it at my ear and waiting for the other line to pick it up

"What are you doing?"

"Calling the hospital"

"What does that mean?"

"Calling for rescue"

"Shouldn't you be calling the police?"

I really need to get out of here this crazy lunatic is getting really creepy

"I will leave don't follow me okay?"

I can see how she looked confused

"No, I will follow you because I have a mission"

Every second that I'm with her makes me believe that she really is a lunatic

"BTW my name is Kaye, a fairy from neverland"

Neverland?? But I know the fairy from that place is named tinkerbelle? And that place never really exist in the first place

She extended her hand for a handshake but I didn't accept it instead I ran off to the other direction making sure that she won't be able to follow me, as I reached the streets heading to my house I stopped running, I know that the village guards won't let a crazy woman inside our village

As I entered our village I sighed in relief I know I am safe so I just walked peacefully


I covered my ears because someone called my name loudly, when I took a look at the direction, I saw her the crazy woman who is a lunatic I was about to ran away again but when I turned to the other direction she was now infront of me.

"Wahhhh monster stay away from me"

I closed my eyes hoping that if I opened them I won't see that girl again

"How many times should I tell you that I'm a FAIRY not a MONSTER or a CRAZY PERSON"

I opened my eyes and I saw her standing in front of me while raising her right brow

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