#81 The path of broken dreams

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The path of broken dreams


Your POV:

I never really thought that I'll be here, I smiled bitterly thinking of how stupid I am, the rose quartz and serenity colored sky while walking along this path only made it look even sadder.

"The path of broken dreams here I come"

I muttered to myself, I kept on mocking myself, I know that I'm such a useless person so I deserve this path, but I never really thought that I'll be here now.

The path of broken dreams is a very known place here, because one those people who completely lost the chance of fulfilling their dreams walk here, and they are the only ones who knows what lies in the end of the path.

A lot of thought of what might be the end of this path came to my mind, is it a beerhouse where we can get drunk and start partying? Or is it a tree with a rope hanging, waiting to be used? Or maybe someone who is wise enough to give advice? I don't know, a lot of things might be at the end of this unknown path.

But why am I even here? I bet that is what you ask?

My phone suddenly rang, I took it from my pocket and I saw a familiar name on the screen.

"Wonwoo? Why is he calling me now?"

I questioned to myself before I answered his call and I continued with my walk.


Bold- y/n

Italic- Wonwoo

Bold and Italic- Anyone who gets in between their talk

"y/n-yah? Where are you? It's almost time yet you're still not here?"

"I'm sorry Wonwoo-yah, I can't be there"

"But why? I can't believe that you can't be here on my wedding day"

"I'm walking a path right now"

And the reason why I'm here is you, you had always been my best friend Jeon Wonwoo, and I'm the fool for falling for you.

"Is that path really more important than the wedding of your best friend?"

"I bet you'll be shocked if you found out what path I'm walking on"

I jokingly told Wonwoo once that I will walk the path of broken dreams one day and Wonwoo laughed so hard saying that I'll be the last person on earth to ever walk this path yet here I am.

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