#26 Who I really am

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"y/n why wear those types of clothes?"

"Yeah you look like an old mother"

"y/n I really think that you are fat"

"Look at your grades?"

"Are you a fool?"

"Wearing those glasses makes you really nerdy"

I ran away from our classroom leaving all my classmates

They are so mean, they really are, I know that I don't like wearing short skirts and stuff and I don't have a figure I'm not that pretty and I'm not smart, but do they have to be this mean to me?

I sat under the slide at the school's playground and I hugged my knees while I sobbed right there

"Y/n-yahh you're already a highschool student yet you are crying like a kindergarten"

I looked up and I saw Seungkwan's worried face as he came closer and he sat beside me

"What happened?"

He asked me while staring at me and I just cried again, Seungkwan immediately gave me a hug

"They're so mean"

I managed to say in between sobs while Seungkwan kept on comforting me, when I stopped crying Seungkwan helped me stand up and he cupped my cheeks

"Aigoo y/n please don't cry again ok?"

"And also, if they bully you, come to me first alright?"

I nodded and Seungkwan placed a cute headband on my head as if I was a little girl and he smiled at me

"Never let other people decide about who you are y/n"

"Come on now let's go back to our classroom"


I took a look at the mirror

I smiled as I can see all of my efforts paid off, I didn't look like an old lady, I wasn't fat anymore, I took of my hair tie and I saw how I changed from nerdy to this

SEVENTEEN IMAGINESDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora