#69 13 things to do before I die(pt. 11)

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Your POV:

I feel so relieved...

Minghao and I are back to normal, after 10 long years of misunderstanding were finally back.

Minghao told me that he's been in China for the past years but now he will stay here in Korea for good, so I'm so happy that we can finally spend time with each other, even though I don't have much time left...

And their photoshoot yesterday was really good, I have to say that Minghao got his skills in photography from his uncle.

And about my condition, I even told him that and he said that he feels quite bad for leaving and not staying by my side, but I told him that it was alright since it was really my fault, that we should forget all the bad things that happen and start making more beautiful memories.

"y/n? are you sure you'll still go to school?"

I nodded my head as I stood up and when I was about to get my bag and bid my mom goodbye when she spoke again.

"Just be careful we know your condition y/n"

My condition is getting worse, so I'll rather enjoy my last remaining days rather than kill myself again inside my boring room doing nothing.

"I know mom, don't worry about me, I'll be fine"

And I kissed her cheeks before I went out for school, when I entered our classroom my classmates stared at me, some of them were whispering to one another, is my condition really that obvious now? I just didn't mind their stares as I went to my seat, and just like our everyday routine my three noisy friends greeted me while Jihoon just smiled.

"Yow y/n how's the photoshoot?"

Seokmin asked the moment that I placed my bag on my desk as I sat facing them.

"It was great, I even met Minghao again after a very long time"

Their eyebrows furrowed while they looked at me with their confused eyes...

"Who is Minghao?"

The four of them asked in unison, yup four, even Jihoon was curious, so I just laughed.

"Minghao was my childhood friend"

Their expressions were priceless that I was trying so hard to contain my laughter.

"I'll explain later"

I told them and after a few moments our teacher went inside, and the next two hours of my life was extremely boring, not until the bell rang as a sign that it was snack time already.

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