#24 A Rainy Night

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The weather isn't that great, It is raining heavily outside while I can see the lightning and I can hear the thunder quite clearly while I am looking outside the window despite the fact that I am really not feeling well, how could this day get any better?

I lay down on my bed while still feeling my headache and I still feel cold, why does the weather has to be this harsh? You have a fever and a cold then it is raining like there is no tomorrow, very nice indeed am I right or am I left?

It is just 8 in the evening, but I already want to sleep but I don't know why I can't sleep??

I decided to go downstairs and drink milk, I wore my slippers and I went down while wearing my pajamas

After preparing the warm milk I sat down at the sofa and I took out my phone, I was about to open it when the lightning strikes, and a loud thunder followed

Oh great they don't even want me to open my phone, then what will I do so that I won't be bored??

I was still thinking when suddenly I heard a faint knock on my door, I only took a glance making sure if I was right, then after I heard another knock this time much louder I stood up and I was about to open it when I suddenly thought of something


I ran towards the kitchen and I got a frying pan so if ever there is a bad guy I can make him sleep easily, as I went back to the door I took a deep breath

If someone is here to kill me I will kill him first

If he is a thief I swear I will break his bones

And someone knocked on the door again, I slowly opened the door and I was about to hit whoever someone that was infront of the door but he suddenly held my wrist, stopping me from hitting his head

"Heyy y/n?! what are you doing?"

I immediately put down the frying pan as I saw Seungcheol outside the door and he was drenched in the rain

"Come here, gosh why did you came here at a moment like this?"

I told him as I let him enter my house and he sat on the floor while pouting like a little kid

"I came here because I found out that you were sick, while you almost hit me with a frying pan"

He said while giving me a 'shame of you' look and I just gave him a 'I don't care' look, kinda weird right?

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