#77 Truth or Dare

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Your POV:

I was busy walking down the corridor of our school when I saw a cute boy and he was busy singing so cutely.

"I love you, you love me, we're a happy famil—"

He is Soonyoung my hamster sunbae.


This time I glanced at Seokmin sunbae who just shouted, while the three of them laughed in unison.

Yes, they're the three most famous trio and they're really the best singers in school which everyone adores.


I called them and they glanced at me, we have a choir practice today and for the first time I didn't came late so they looked quite shock lmao :>

"y/n hoobae is that you?"

Seokmin sunbae asked while I nodded and smiled while they had an exaggerated expression plastered on their faces.

"Are you sick?"

"Did you eat something wrong?"

"The end of the world is near!"

I just jokingly frowned while they laughed again as they messed my hair, while I stole a glance at Seungkwan sunbae who was also wearing a bright smile on his face, and I just found myself smiling too.

"y/n why are you so cute?"

Soonyoung sunbae asked as he pinched my cheeks.

"Because I have cute sunbaes"

They all agreed as I saw Seungkwan sunbae giving me a thumbs up.

Why is Seungkwan sunbae so cuteeee?!

Arghhh!! y/n get a hold of yourself even if you already have a big crush on him don't do anything stupid that will make him notice about your feelings...

"Sunbae where are the others?"

I asked while they pointed towards somewhere so I glanced at where they were pointing and I saw the rest of the people and they we're goofing around.

"Thank you, I'll get going"

SEVENTEEN IMAGINESDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora