#48 I care

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Your POV:


Something that I want to feel?

I want to know the feeling of being loved

Even not in a special way, I just want to know what if feels like, what it feels when someone cares for you, when someone worries when you're not around, when someone else is thinking about you.

But in my case, no one loves me.

"Yes, sir I'll be there in a minute"

I responded to my boss over the phone as I quickened my pace, I'm already late for my part time job.

When I reached the convenience store, I was about to change my clothes when I noticed that a girl was already there, confused by this situation I entered the shop while she greeted me.

"Good evening ma'am"

I just smiled at her before I roamed my eyes around, I need to ask my boss if he changed my schedule.

"part-timer y/n"

I quickly glanced to the direction where that voice came from and I saw my boss sitting at one of the chairs, I quickly bowed to show my respect before I asked a question.

"Ahjussi did you change my sched?"

He looked at me from head to toe before he spoke up.

"I'm sorry y/n but, I decided that I should fire you"

He spoke directly, it took me some seconds before I could process what he said.

"Ahjussi bu---"

I didn't let me speak he pushed me out of the convenience store, before he turned away

"Ahjussi!! I need this job!!"

I pleaded him as I tried to change his mind but he just pushed me away and he closed the glass door.


Even my work hates me?? I stood up as I felt my eyes getting teary.

"Why does everything hate me?"

SEVENTEEN IMAGINESDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora