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"I know you didn't do what I think Brandon?!" I say into the phone quietly as I stand in the hospital hallway.

"I don't know whatchu talkin bout."

"Don't play dumb nigga. You know what I'm talking bout." I say getting aggravated. 

"I don't know whatchu talkin bout ma." 

"I know you had yo friends egg Corey house last week. It left a big mess, his dad even got hit with an egg." I say speaking in code. I'm not dumb I know they record these phone calls, I also know that Brandon had his homeboys to shoot up Corey house and they shot his dad.

"Oh that... yea I did. Just so you wouldn't have to do anything about the situation." he says nonchalantly.

"I had it, I didn't need your help."

"It doesn't matter what you think you don't need. I did what I did for a reason, I don't want you in trouble. You supposed to be calming down and focusing on school."

"I am focusing on school but I'm still doing something cause he has a bet on me."

"A bet? Since when?"

"Not telling you that, you gon try to get his house egged again, I promise I got this situation. I don't need nor want any more of your help. Stay outta trouble and I love you."  I tell him.

"I love you too."


"Girl whats going on. You've been out of it since we got here." Denise says to me and I shake my head.

"Oh nothing, just thinking about Prom night." I lie.

"Same, it's gonna be so fun!" She screams as we look through the racks.

"So, what kinda dress you thinking about getting?" I ask her

"Honestly, I don't even know. I want something unique tho. How are you and Corey doing?" She asks picking through the different dresses.

"Ugh, I don't want him. He doesn't excite me. He's so predictable, he's not mysterious, and he's not-"

"Brandon. He's not Brandon babes. That's what you really want to say. He doesn't show you off like Brandon, he doesn't take you out like Brandon, and he will never be him. But you have to get over him. You can't get keep reminiscing over him, he's gone, Mia."

"I know he's gone. I promise you I do, but that doesn't mean anything to me. Cause when he gets out we're gonna get married and live happily ever after."

"Do you really believe that? He went to jail before and I know you remember what happened after he got out. Do you not think that's gonna happen again."

"It won't, like damn! Let the shit go! I don't want to talk about this anymore!" I yell with obvious attitude added. 

"Fine, whatever. I just want you to stick your head out of those imaginary clouds and look at the reality of the situation." She replies with a shrug.

"I'm letting Journey make my dress, so you know I'm finna look fine as fuck,"  I say changing the subject back to prom.

"Malik and I don't want to match. You know how everybody matches their date, we don't want to do that. It'll make a fashion statement, oh I got one more question about prom." 

"What is it Nisey?"

"Who you think gon win prom queen and King?" 

"You and Malik of course. Ya'll is the only official couples in it."

Played By A GirlWhere stories live. Discover now