lover boy (MingYo)

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"This sucks." // "Newsflash asshole! I've been in love with you the entire goddamn time!"


Wayo watched as Pha kissed Pring's cheek, heart breaking into pieces as he watched the newly formed couple act in love. They probably weren't acting, but if Wayo convinced himself that emotions weren't real, it hurt less.

"It would also hurt less if you stopped staring at them," Ming commented dryly, stirring his tea with his straw. His face was set in a hard gaze, eyes dull. Wayo smiled falsely, playing with his fingers.

"You have to stop falling in love with straight men. You always get hurt. I don't like seeing you hurt," Ming complained. He sighed, rubbing a hand over his face when Yo sniffled pitifully.

"This sucks. I have to stop falling in love in general. No one likes me," Yo sounded bitter, and he was. His heart hurt and all he really wanted to do was cry.

"I know at least one person who likes you," Ming spoke cryptically, making Yo's competitive nature come out. The smaller boy leaned back in his chair and raised an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah? Who?" Yo's voice came out harsher than he meant it to, and he watched as Ming grew angry. Ming's have slammed dish on the table they were sat at and he ground his teeth.

"Newsflash asshole! I've been in love with you the entire goddamn time!" Ming growled, eyes narrowed until he realized what exactly he just said. Once he recognized his words, his jaw dropped and he just stared at Yo.

"What?" Yo's question was quiet, and he looked a little flustered. Ming just sighed and nodded, accepting his defeat.

"I expect you to pick me up at seven tomorrow," Yo spoke quietly, packing his bag as he stood up to go to class.

"What? Why?"

"You're taking me on a date, lover boy."

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