Chapter 7

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I went to the pool to focus better. That's where Bruce found me.
"Come on get out" he said
"Why?" I asked
"We're going out"
"Out?" I asked "out where?"
"Well I have a short meeting in Manhattan and I figured we could do something while we're at it" he said
"Okay" I said
I pushed myself out of the pool and pulled a tank top over my head.
We went to the garage we jumped into the GTR.

We stopped for about ten minutes. Bruce left into a building And came out holding a package.
"What's that?" I asked
"Your Birthday present" he said
"What is it though?" I asked
"You have to wait to find out." He said
"Two weeks?" I joked "that's too long"
"Oh shush" he scolded
I smiled suddenly the car swerved.
"What was that?" I asked
"I saw something" he said "hold up"
We turned around and went down a side street. Nothing.
"That was weird" he muttered
"C'mon, we can have dinner with Alfie" I said
"Okay" he said "we can pick up a pizza and have a movie night. I'll see if Dick can come into town and Barbara and Annabeth can come"
"M'kay" I said

We got back to an eerily quiet house. Bruce had called Dick and Barbara.
Something felt off. The phone rang breaking the silence. Bruce answered it.
"Hey Dick" he said
His face darkened
"We'll be right there" he said
He hung up the phone.
"I'm dropping you off at Annabeth's" he said
"Why?" I asked "what's wrong?"
"I'll tell you on the way. You need to tell Annabeth" he said "calmly"
"Okay" I said "what's wrong?"
"It's Barbara" he said "she's in the hospital"
"She's been shot." He said
"By who?" I demanded "Bruce? You can't just expect me to-"
"Tell Annabeth CALMLY" he said

He dropped me off and I knocked on the door. One of the twins (I don't know which) answered.
"I-is Annabeth home" I asked
"Annabeth your boyfriend-"
"He's not my boyfriend" she cut in "what's up seaweed brain?"
"I need to talk to you" I said "in private"
"Um okay" she lead me to her room.
It was the first time I'd been in here. It was kinda awkward.
"What's wrong?" She asked as soon as the door was closed
"Sit down" I said
She sat looking worried.
"Give me your hat" I said not wanting her to sneak out.
She handed it to me reluctantly.
"Listen its Barbara" I said
"What's wrong?"
"Well she She's been shot" I said
Annabeth stood quickly and walked towards the door.
"No no no" I said "Annabeth you can't"
She was crying. "Barbara was targeted for a reason we don't know but your so close to her even without our cowls on you could be a target."
"Percy let me pass" she said
"I can't"
She swung her arm at me fist closed. I caught it. It didn't have her usual strength. She tried to push passed me.
"How would you feel Percy?" She asked "having one of the only people that cares about you get shot? One of the only people you trust?"
"I did" I said quietly
"Percy I-" she realized what she said
"No." I said "my mom's gone I can't change that. But you cant go."
She tried to push passed me again.
She started punching me and kicking I blocked her. I grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her back making sure I didn't push up to far I didn't want to break her arm. I knew she could probably beat me if she wasn't so shocked about Barbara.
"Percy please" she said quietly
"Bruce is going to kill me" I muttered

The Blue Knight --Percy Jackson Batman Crossover--The Olympian Heroes Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now