Chapter 24

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Zoë led me to a tent no different from the others. Inside was the girl I was still having a hard time believe was Artemis. Bianca sat across from her.
"Ah Perseus Jackson" she said
"Percy" I said
"Are you shocked by my age?" She asked
"A-a little" I said
"I could appear in any form I'd like." Artemis said "but this is the average age of my hunters and all maidens before they go astray."
"Go astray?" I asked
"Become foolish and smitten with men" Artemis said
Zoë glared at me like all that was my fault. I suppose maybe I'd gotten a few girls to fall for me. I grinned slyly.
"You must forgive them if my hunters do not welcome you the last boy in our camp..." she paused "when was it?"
"The boy in Colorado you turned him into a jackalope" Zoë said
"Ah yes I enjoy making jackalopes" Artemis said
"Are you going to turn me into a Jackalope?" I asked
"No" she said "I've brought you here to asked you about what the manticore said. Bianca has reported some...disturbing things."
I told her. About everything he said.
"Just as I feared" she said
"The scent my lady?" Zoë asked
"What scent" I asked
"A stirring I haven't hunted in a millennia so old I have nearly forgotten." She said "we came sensing the manticore but that is not the only thing I seek. Tell me what exactly did the manticore say?"
"Um I hate middle school dances?" I said I looked at Artemis trying to read her. I couldn't I looked at Zoë and tried to do the same. I couldn't read her either.
"No no after that"
"He said someone called the General would explain things to us" I said Zoë paled and Zoë's eyes changed for a second. Fear. I frowned thinking.
"Go on Percy" Artemis said
"Well he talked about the great stir pot-"
"Great stirring" Bianca corrected
I twisted Annabeth's gloves in my hands. "Yeah" I said "he said 'soon we will have a monster powerful enough to bring the downfall of Olympus'"
She looked so still she may have been a statue.
"He could've been lying" I said
"No he wasn't I must go hunt this monster" Artemis said fear flickered across Zoë's face.
"We'll leave right away my lady" she said
"No I must go alone"
"But Artemis-"
"The task is too dangerous even for the hunters. You know where I must start my search and you can not go with me" Artemis said
Zoë sighed "as you wish my lady"
"I will hunt this monster and bring it to Olympus by the winter solstice."
"You know what the monster is?" I asked
"Let us pray I am wrong"
I paused for a second. "Can a goddess pray?"
Artemis smiled faintly. "Before I go Percy Jackson I have a small task for you"
"Does it involve getting turned into a jackalope?" I asked
"sadly no" she said "I want you to escort my hunters to camp half-blood they can stay there until I get back"
"But Artemis we hate that place" Zoë blurted
"I'm sure Dionysus hasn't held a grudge against you. Besides I heard they rebuilt the cabins you burned down." Artemis said
Zoë muttered something about foolish campers.
"Now there is one last choice." She turned to Bianca "have you decided?"
"I'm still thinking" Bianca paused
"Thinking about what?" I asked
"They've invited me to join the hunt" Bianca said
"What?" I blurted "you can't you have to come to camp to train. It's the only to learn to survive."
"It's not the only way for a girl" Zoë said
I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
"Bianca camp is cool we've got a Pegasus stable and sword fighting arena. What do you even get from becoming a hunter?" I asked
"To begin with immortality" Zoë said
"She's kidding right?" I asked Artemis
"Zoë rarely kids about anything" Artemis said
"Lot like Bruce" I muttered thinking about the last argument we had right before I left to help Grover.
"My hunters follow me on my adventures they are my assistants, maidservants, and most importantly my sisters-in-arms. Once they give me their word they are indeed immortal unless they fall in battle which in unlikely or break their oath." Artemis finished
"What oath?" I asked
"The oath of maiden hood." Artemis said "to be a maiden eternally"
"Like you" I said
I imagined what she was saying hanging out with middle school aged girls forever.
"So you just go around the country recruiting half-bloods-"
"Not just half-bloods anyone who pays tribute to Artemis can join. Half-bloods, dryads, mortals" Zoë said
"Which are you then?" I asked
"That is none of thy business!"
"Bianca may join if she'd like" Artemis said
"What about Nico he can't join" I said
"He's right he'd have to go to camp that is the best a boy can do" Zoë said
"Hey" I said my voice cracked a little bit and I felt myself go red.
"The boy would have to go to camp but he wouldn't be thy responsibility" Zoë said to Bianca.
"No responsibility?" Bianca asked wistfully
"You just have to say the oath."
She looked to Zoë "is it worth it?"
"It is" Zoë said
"what do I have to do?"
"Just say this" Zoë said "I pledge myself to the goddess Artemis"
"I-I pledge myself to the goddess Artemis"
"I turn my back on the company of men accept eternal maidenhood and join the hunt"
Bianca repeated the words "that's it?"
"If lady Artemis accepts thy pledge it is binding"
"I accept it" Artemis said
The flames in the brazier grew brighter Bianca looked no different but she took a deep breath and opened her eyes wide. "I feel...stronger"
"Welcome sister" Zoë said
"Remember your pledge" Artemis said "it is now your life"
I felt like a trespasser and a failure. I couldn't believe I came all this way and suffered so much only to lose Bianca to some girls club.
"Do not despair Percy Jackson" Artemis said "you will still get to show the Di Angelos your camp and if Nico chooses he can stay there"
"Great" I muttered "how are we supposed to get there"
"I shall Summon a ride from my brother" she sighed
"We're getting a ride from Apollo?" I asked
"Yes I guess it's time for you to meet my irresponsible twin Apollo."

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