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  " Ow!" the couch speaks. Baby squints his eyes in confusion. " Get off me Babyboy!" Without a second to waste he's knocked off the couch, landing in between the coffee table and the couch.

 " Hey!" Bb groans, holding his shoulder in pain. He was about to go off on the person who pushed him, only to stare at puppy eyes. He stays quiet for a few seconds before groaning again, laying back on the floor. " Why were you still asleep? It's-" he glances at the clock across the room, " -almost ten A.M."

 " I got over here at three in the morning," Johnny explains, rubbing his head and sitting up.

 " Did I hit your head Johnnycake?" Baby asks, sitting up and looking at the boy with concern.

 " N-No, I'm okay." It's a moment of silence before Baby looks at Ponyboy, asking the question he always asks over here.

 " Got any chocolate cake?" he smiles, standing up before wiping the imaginary dust off his shoulders. Johnny looks the boy up and down, stopping once he sees his hand covered in blood. The ring Johnny gave him not bronze anymore, only crimson.

 " It should be in the fridge," Pony shakes his head, Baby walking past him and into the kitchen. " How you doing Johnny?" His question makes the latter think. The reason he went over to their house was because of his family problems again. He's not in the best shape either but he has been through worse, so he gives a shrug for his answer.

 " Where's the cake!" Baby runs in front of the two, sadness in his eyes as his lips are pouted in a cute manner. The expression makes the two laugh.

 " Two-Bit ate it," Pony explains between laughs. Johnny is laid back on the couch, this time laughing instead of sleeping though. " You look like a sad puppy!" he jokes laughing even harder.

 " A puppy?" Bb questions. He nods slowly before wrestling Ponyboy to the ground. He holds him in a chokehold, a smirk on his face. " Do you surrender?"

 " Yes! Yes! I surrender!" he gives, knowing he'd lose. Johnny still lays on the couch, calming himself after laughing so hard. " Alright, you win. I got homework to finish before we have to go to school tomorrow," he grumbles, holding his neck before walking into his room. Babyboy rolls his eyes, clicking his tongue at Johnny. The older moves, now sitting as the latter turns on the T.V, Mickey Mouse on. Babyboy pulls a cigarette out of his pack, handing one to Johnny as well. He lights both, flicking his after a sucking in a heavy breath. He then sits beside Johnny, placing his feet on Johnny's lap.

 " Really?" Johnny questions. Babyboy only shrugs, relaxing in his seat before laying his eyes on the T.V, or so Johnny thought.

Puppy Eyes | johnny cade ✅Where stories live. Discover now