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Sammy's POV

"Where is my ticket" I said looking under the bed for my plane ticket. I look up at Jack laying on the bed.

"Sam, calm down" Jack said

"My dad is in the car waiting for me. I could miss my flight!" I said

"Samantha, your dad probably has the ticket" He said rolling his eyes

"Oh shit...makes sense" I said laughing

"I have to go" I said

"When is your flight?" I asked

"I leave later tonight" He said

"So I will see you at school tomorrow?" I asked

"Yep and before you say it! I know that I need to return the hotel room key before twelve" He said getting up and coming over to me

"You are the best" I said smiling 

"What is going to happen when we get home?" I asked and Gilinsky put his hands on my waist.

"I'll do what I want and you do what you want" He said kissing my neck

"Don't leave a mark" I said

"Too late" He said standing up straight

"My dad, Jack!" I said

"Your hair can hide it, Sam. Stop freaking out" Jack said

"You need to go...don't want to miss your flight" Jack said letting go of 

"Wait what do you mean by do what we-" I started to say

"Sam, you need to go. Look at the time" He said and I looked at my phone and sighed. I grabbed my suitcase and left.


I entered the house with my dad. Riley was sitting on the couch with friends. I could see Lexi in the kitchen talking to her mom. My dad went into the kitchen, I could see him talking to the girls. I grabbed my suitcase and went to my bedroom.

I started to unpack till my phone buzzed. I picked it up and went to snapchat and opened a snapchat of Gilinsky on a plane. How does he still manage to look so sexy. I took a picture of my ceiling and sent it back. I got up and went to my mirror. I looked at the hickey on my neck and it was huge.

I realized that I was starting to miss Gilinsky and then I started to realize that I have feelings for him. I flopped on my bed and groaned....no feelings just messing around and I fucked up.


I opened the snap of Sam's ceiling and I rolled my eyes. I bet she is overthinking the whole thing I said. Well I fucked up...I should have known that Sam was going to take it the wrong way. But god damn I feel something for her. Maybe it's the fact that Lexi has feelings for Johnson and that is why I'm getting all these butterflies. Maybe I don't actually like....who am I kidding spending time on the trip together just made me want her more.

"Hey" This teenage, red head said sitting down next to me

"Hi" I said

"My friend told me that I should get your number" She said

"You don't even know my name" I said

"Well I'm Stacy Wells" She said 

"I'm taken" I said

"She isn't here with you" Stacy said

"She went home early" I said

"I don't believe you have one" She said crossing her arms

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