Nacl Newmaker (Unstable)

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Drawn today, August 3rd

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Drawn today, August 3rd


Nacl looked up from the desk he was sitting at and the papers he had been examining when he heard the door open. He heard it's familiar squeal, a call for greasing in old hinges and a call for his attention. It took effort to pull it away from what he was doing, it was sheets of new inventory, new DNA for new monstrosities. Stolren had walked in, but only when he was nearly beside Nacl, to his right, did he actually become aware of his friend's presence. He was carrying bags, brown paper ones, a white one. 

"Since you murdered Danny yesterday, I had to get the parts myselfz. We...behind. Y...ou really n.. e... ed to ...stop d...oing that. Nacl, H...y... a..are li..sining.... me?"

His friend's voice had slowly melted, like black goop, like scales and warm fuzzy things instead of lines that were the ridges between the floor tiles. The world had become inverted, full of saturated colours, it was almost pulsating.

They had started talking to him, even if they were just soft whispers, he struggled to understand and keep up with. After a moment, he felt a familiar sense of distance, there was a gap between him and Stolren, wider than any distance that one could see with the naked eye, deep as a trench or a lie. 

Nacl blinked. The whispers had become screaming.

ENERGY! Static rattled in his head, as if it thought it was an old tv. The end of the hall lit up to him in a bright beckoning light, and for a moment it was as if that tv had jumped from his brain to a room down there; laughter sounding as if there was something funny and everyone was spilling their guts out. He didn't even remember getting up and going to the hallway, but he was there all the same. SPACESHIP! It came again, the static, drowning out the voice that had just screaming. MISSING!

Something was definitely missing.

There was laughter again, and slowly he also started laughing. Something was funny after all, no? Why else would they be smiling? He went along for only a moment, knowing that if he laughed hard enough and played along long enough, it would all stop.

"What? Did you see something?" Stolren's voice was suddenly clear again, and he could see him fine, staring at him with a worried expression. He was back faster than his brain could register, and it took his mind a few seconds to realize it, for a moment it clung to being delusional. He wasn't in the hallway, he hadn't even left the chair he had been in.

Nacl shook his head. "No I saw nothing that means anything to me they are once again distracting me." He assured. Nacl knew the voices were not real, he'd done enough study on his condition to know it was just the psychosis. They were just trying to pull him away, trap him. No, he wouldn't let the voices stop him.

They are just saying that. 

You can't trust them! They'll just hurt you again!

"I am fine." He groaned a bit, rubbing his temples. "What were you saying about being behind?"


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